How National Identifiers are Validated

A national identifier is unique when it doesn't match any other national identifier in the application.

You can set up validation to check for the country-type-number combination by setting the Person Creation Duplicate Check enterprise option to one of the options that contains these 3 attributes. For example, when you specify the option National Identifier Country and National Identifier Type and National Identifier Number as the enterprise option, then the check for national identifier uniqueness is done on national identifiers having these 3 attributes. A national identifier - United States, SSN, 887-2234 will be considered unique to the national identifier - United Kingdom, SSN, 887-2234, simply because the countries don't match even if the type and number are the same.

The national identifier is validated when you add a national identifier during any of the add new person processes or while changing a person's information. The ID is also validated when you add it when creating a person record using any of these services:

  • Worker v2 service

  • Worker REST service

  • HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader

A point to note is that Oracle Recruiting candidates aren't included in the check when a person record is created using the methods mentioned earlier. However, the national identifier of these candidates can be checked against the national identifiers of all non-candidates when they become pending workers.

Profile Option to Validate the National Identifier

You need to enable the National Identifier Uniqueness Validation Mode profile option to check if the national identifier in a person record is unique. You can choose any of these values at the site-level.

Profile Option Value



The national identifier isn't checked for uniqueness.


A warning is displayed indicating the national identifier isn't unique. You can continue with the same value however.


An error message is displayed preventing you from entering a national identifier, which isn't unique.

Duplicate Person Check

The duplicate person check identifies whether a person record is unique based on the first and last names, date of birth, and national identifier. The national identifier validation checks for the uniqueness of the national identifier in the person record. The differences between the two are indicated in this table:


National Identifier Validation

Duplicate Person Check

How is it configured?

Configured using the National Identifier Uniqueness Validation Mode profile option.

Configured using the Person Creation Duplicate Check enterprise option.

When is it triggered?

When you create or update a person's national identifier record (excluding Oracle Recruiting candidates)

When you hire an employee, a contingent worker, a nonworker, a pending worker, or when a candidate is transformed into a pending worker, depending on the configuration in Oracle Recruiting.

How does it work?

Enabled using a profile option and checks uniqueness of national identifier.

When enabled, each new or updated national identifier record is checked for uniqueness against the records of all other people (excluding Oracle Recruiting candidates), to show a warning or error to prevent the action if a national identifier number is found to belong to another person.

This is independent of national identifier uniqueness validation. When enabled, each new person record will first be checked for any existing duplicate records. If any possible duplicates are found, the user can decide how to proceed. The definition of duplicate is configured in the enterprise option, and can include comparing the names, dates of birth, and even genders, or the national identifiers and their countries and types.