People Directory

You can access the directory from your home page. You can search for and select people to view their public information. You can see a person's organization chart, which is based on the line manager hierarchy defined in the assignment.

What the Directory Shows

The people you see in the search results and the details you see for those people depend on your security privileges. Anyone in the organization can access public information about people who are designated as public during security implementation. Line managers and human resource specialists can access more detailed information about their workers and people for whom they're responsible respectively.

You can see more information about yourself in the directory and take actions for yourself. For example, you can maintain your talent profile, update your contacts, share your information, and participate in social connections. If you're a manager, you can do actions for your workers such as promoting them, sharing their information, and providing them with roles.

Directory Search

Directory search is based on keyword attributes of a person record. The priority for areas of expertise, areas of interest, and talent skills is lower compared to the other fields in the person record. This ensures that the accurate person records are displayed at the top of the search results.

For example, if you search for a person by keyword "Simpson," the search results first display person records containing the word "Simpson" in the name, department, job, and so on. The person records containing the word "Simpson" in areas of expertise, areas of interest, and talent skills are displayed lower in the order.