When to Create Person Records

You can create a person record when a worker is hired for employment in an organization. In this topic you will learn when to create person records.

You create a person record when you:

  • Hire an employee
  • Add a contingent worker
  • Add a nonworker
  • Add a pending worker
  • Add a contact to the record of another person

Person records continue to exist even when people leave a company. If a person gets rehired, you simply create a new work relationship with the new legal employer on that same person record.

Here are some examples of when and how to create person records:

  • You're hiring Alex as a contingent worker. Alex has never worked in your company before. He hasn't been an emergency contact, dependent, or beneficiary of another employee in your company. So his person record doesn't exist.

    You must create a person record for Alex and a work relationship with his legal employer.

  • You're hiring Sonia who was previously employed by your company. Sonia's person record already exists. When you hire her the application pulls out her person record and asks you to confirm that she's the same person.

    To rehire Sonia, you create a new work relationship with the new legal employer on the existing person record.

  • You're hiring Arturo who has been a volunteer mentor in your company for some time. Arturo will continue working as a volunteer after he's hired.

    Arturo already has a person record. To hire him you just need to create a new work relationship. Arturo now has two work relationships with the same legal employer.

  • You're hiring Mary who's an emergency contact of another employee. Although Mary has never worked in the company before, she has a person record because she's a contact of another employee.

    If there's enough detail in her person record to identify her, you only need to create her a new work relationship with the legal employer. If not, you create a new person record too.