Overview of Statutory Reports for Saudi Arabia

Payroll managers can run a number of statutory reports that must be submitted to external organizations such as the General Office of Social Insurance (GOSI).

You can run these reports from the Regulatory and Tax Reporting work area.

Summary of Reports

Report Task


When to Run

Report Results

Run GOSI Form 3

Saudi Workers Movement Report. Statutory report that must be submitted to the GOSI office with details of each newly hired employee or terminated employee.


Employer information, employee personal details, employment details or termination details.

Run GOSI Form 4

Saudi Monthly Contributions Report. Statutory report that must be submitted to the GOSI office with total social insurance contributions of Saudi employees and non-Saudi employees. This list contains both newly hired and terminated employees.


Employer information, details of new hires and terminations, count of Saudi employees, count of non-Saudi employees, total monthly contribution wages of Saudi employees, total monthly contribution wages of non-Saudi employees.

Run GOSI Form 5

Saudi New and Terminated Workers Report. Statutory report that lists all the details of newly hired and terminated employees. This report must be submitted to the GOSI office.


Employer information, details of newly hired employees, terminated employees and their monthly social insurance contribution details. Each page of the report displays 10 joiners and 10 leavers.

Disabled Workers Report

Disabled employees and contingent workers details must be submitted to the Ministry of Health.


Report shows legal employer-wise person disability details.

IPE Consolidated Report

Consolidates information related to new hires and terminations in a calendar month.


Employer Information, Employee Information, Salary Details, and Termination Salary and Reason.

IPE Annual Salary Report

Provides the list of employees as of January.


Employees as of January of that year; includes GOSI Reference Earnings for the current year and 8 earlier years for the employees listed in the report.

Wage Protection System Payment Output File

Wage amounts to be paid to the employees.


Wage amounts that need to be paid to the employees who have EFT Payment method.

The report is sent to banks and is processed for crediting wages to employees.