Saudi IPE Consolidated Report

You can run the Saudi Insurance Protection Extension (IPE) Consolidated Report to generate salary information for all new hires and terminations in a given calendar month. This is required by the Social Insurance offices across the relevant Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.

Remember to run the following processes before you generate this report:

  • Payroll Run

  • Prepayments

  • Payroll Archive

Report Layout

The Saudi IPE Consolidated Report has the following five sections:
  • Section for Employee Information.
  • Section for Employer Information.
  • Section for hire salary details (Income and allowances).
  • Section for termination salary and reason details.
  • Footer section: You can enter data in this section on the printed report.

Report Execution

  1. Select the Submit a Flow task task in the Flow Submission and Results work area.

  2. Select the LDG for which the process is to be run and the Run Saudi IPE Consolidated Report flow pattern.

  3. Enter the parameters to run the report:

    1. Payroll Flow: Identifier for the process that is being run. You can enter a value each time the process is executed. You can choose any format to describe the payroll flow.
    2. Payroll Statutory Unit: Payroll Statutory Unit for which the report is run.
    3. Month: Month for which the report is run.
    4. Year: Year for which the report is run.
    Note: Specify the flow interaction range and schedule the process date and time, if required. Review the details.
  4. Click Submit.

    Verify the process completion and view the generated report.

    Note: A message is displayed for you to verify the payroll flow. Wait for the process to complete to view the report.
  5. View the report results in Process Results Summary by searching with flow name.

  6. Review the report output.