How to Set End Dates for Terminations

These scenarios illustrate how to set the last standard process date and final close date for element entries at the assignment level. You can't change the last standard earnings date.

Set element duration dates in the Payroll Details section of the Manage Payroll Relationships page of the Payroll Calculation work area.

Exclude Terminated Employees from Process Consideration

You terminated Heidi's assignment on 3 June 2014. The termination process automatically sets the last standard earnings date to the termination date (3 June 2014). The process also sets the last standard process date to the end date of her monthly payroll (30 June 2014). The termination process doesn't set a final close date.

To ensure that payroll processes don't consider Heidi for six months after termination, you set the final close date to 31 December 2014.

Note: The latest entry date defined for any severance payment elements determines the last date you can enter element entry details for the terminated employee's severance payment. You can view the latest entry date setting on the Element Summary section of the Manage Elements page.

Modify the Last Standard Process Date for Compensation

Anthony was terminated on 7 May 2014, the employer will defer the last payment to the next pay period. The termination process automatically sets the last standard process date to the end date of the payroll period, which is 31 May 2014. To ensure he's paid in the June pay period, you must change the last standard process date to 30 June 2014.