Legislative Rule Overrides for Involuntary Deductions for the US

You use calculation value definition rules to help determine how the payroll process calculates the deductions.

Use the Calculation Value Definitions task to view the legislative rules for processing of involuntary deductions. Setting overrides at this level applies them to any employee with the applicable involuntary type in that legislative data group (LDG).

There are multiple rule types.

Rule type

What it does

How you can find them

Deduction rules

Defines the deduction amount and rate value definitions by deduction type and state if applicable.

  1. From My Client Groups, click Show More.

  2. In Payroll, click Calculation Value Definitions.

  3. Perform a search for Deduction value definition group.

    You can narrow this search by providing additional info in Name.

    For example, for state-related deduction rules, query by state name, such as Tennessee% or North Dakota Alimony%.

  4. Select a predefined rule to view its details.

Dependent calculation rules

Defines value definitions for employee dependents, and sets the overrides for their legislative exemption amounts.

Used by Creditor Debt, Garnishments, and Regional Tax Levy involuntary deductions. Some states use them to apply additional exemptions for dependents.

  1. Start the Calculation Value Definitions task.

  2. Perform a search for Dependent Calculation Rule value definition group.

    You can narrow this search by providing additional info in Name.

    For example, for state-related dependent calculation rules, query by state name, such as Tennessee% or North Dakota Creditor Debt%.

  3. Select a predefined rule to view its details.

Exemption rules

Determines how much money is available for disposable income by identifying the exemption amounts.

  1. Start the Calculation Value Definitions task.

  2. Perform a search for Exemption Rule value definition group.

    You can narrow this search by providing additional info inName.

    For example, for state-related exemption rules, query by state name, such as Alaska Garnishment% or Nevada Child Support%. To search for federal values, use Tax Levy%, Bankruptcy%, DCIA%, or Education%.

  3. Select a predefined rule to view its details.

Fees rules

Defines how the payroll process levies additional fees required by some involuntary deduction types. These can be payable to the employer, the court, or other third-party organization.

  1. Start the Calculation Value Definitions task.

  2. Perform a search for Fees value definition group.

    You can narrow this search by providing additional info in Name.

    For example, for state-related fee rules, query by state name, such as Arizona Garnishment% or Nevada Child Support%.

  3. Select a predefined rule to view its details.

To reset a specific processing fee, use the Calculation Value Definitions task to update the fee value to 0 for your LDG. You can also reset all the processing fees.

For further info, see Oracle Cloud Payroll: Need to Set All Involuntary Deduction Fees to Zero In All PODS (2306182.1) on My Oracle Support.

Limit rules

Defines the federal and state minimum wage factors as well as the maximum withholding days for involuntary deductions. Minimum and maximum withholding amounts aren't currently used in the calculations.

  1. Start the Calculation Value Definitions task.

  2. Perform a search for Limit value definition groups.

    You can narrow this search by providing additional info in Name.

    For example, for state-related limit rules, query by state name, such as Georgia Regional Tax Levy% or Nebraska Creditor Debt%.

  3. Select a predefined rule to view its details.