Create Profit Sharing Unit PSU Calculation Card

Create the Payroll Statutory Unite (PSU) Profit Sharing Component in the organization card.

You can update organization cards from an implementation project. To do this, complete these steps:

  1. From the home page, navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Manage Implementation Projects > Select a Mexico Project.

  2. Search for the Legal Entity Calculation Cards Task.

  3. Verify that the scope is set correctly to the appropriate Legal Entity.

  4. In theLegal Entity Calculation Cards Task task, click Select or Create to create the organization card.

  5. Enter the PSU values to compute the profit sharing as shown in the table:


    Calculation Method

    Specifies how the profit sharing will be computed.

    Available options are:
    • Daily Wages: Employee daily wage is used to calculate the portion of profit share based on earnings. This is the default method.

    • Annual Earnings: Not supported

    • Prorated Annual Earnings: Not supported

    Note: Only the daily wage calculation is supported. The calculation method value definition is not supported.

    Daily Wage (Default)

    Highest Average Salary


    This value sets the highest union worker's daily salary.

    The application multiplies this value by 1.2 to derive the limit at which each employee's salary is capped.

    This limit is used for all the employees working in the PSU, unless a Highest Average Salary override value was entered at TRU level.


    Include Temporary Employees

    Specifies whether temporary workers will be included in the profit sharing process.

    Use the Employment Info task to check the Regular or Temporary field, used to determine this condition.

    Yes (Default)

    Number of Employee Salary Days to Cap Payment

    This value sets the number of days to compute the cap that will be used to determine the best cap favorable to the employee.

    If this value is not entered, then the default value of 90 days will be used.

    90 (Default)

    Permanent Employee Minimum Days Worked

    The profit sharing process includes only those permanent employees who have worked equal or more days than the number entered in this calculation value.

    If this value is not entered, then the default value of 1 day will be used as the eligibility criteria.

    1 (Default)

    Temporary Employee Minimum Days Worked

    The profit sharing process will include only those temporary employees who have worked equal or more days than the number entered in this calculation value.

    If this value is not entered, then the default value of 60 days will be used as the eligibility criteria.

    This value is ignored if the Include Temporary Employees value is set to No.

    60 (Default)

    Total Amount


    Total profits to be shared with employees.

    MEX$ 1,780,000

    Total Capped Average Salary Override

    Use this field to override the calculation of the sum of the total capped salary for all employees.

    This value is optional, and the application will calculate it if not entered.

    Total Worked Days Override

    Use this field to override the calculation of the sum of the total days for all employees.

    This value is optional, and the application will calculate it if not entered.