Create Profit Sharing Unit TRU Organization Card

Create the Tax Reporting Unit (TRU) for the Profit Sharing component in the legal reporting entity organization card to enter tax reporting unit profit sharing overrides.

Here are the steps to create the TRU for the Profit Sharing component:

  1. From the home page, navigate to: Setup and Maintenance > Manage Implementation Projects > Select a Mexico Project.

  2. Search for the Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Cards Task.

  3. Verify that the scope is set correctly to the appropriate Legal Entity.

  4. In the Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Cards Task, click Select or Create the card: Organization Card.

  5. Enter the values as shown in the table:


    Highest Average Salary


    This value overrides the highest union worker's daily salary entered at PSU level.

    The application multiplies this value by 1.2 to derive the limit at which each employee's salary needs to be capped.

    This limit is used only for the employees associated to the TRU.

    If this value is not entered, then the Highest Average Salary in the PSU Organization Card is used.


    Exclude from Profit Sharing

    Use this value definition to exclude all employees in this TRU from the profit sharing process.

    No (Default)
