Troubleshoot Missing Elements in Payroll Run Results

If you review the Periodic Payroll Activity Report and determine that the payroll run results don't include run results for an element a person should receive, you can take several steps to investigate the reason for the missing element entry.

Troubleshooting Tips

Confirm from the Statement of Earnings section of the Person Process Results page or the Element Results Register whether the payroll calculation included the element. If you don't find it, you can try these steps:

  1. Review the submission parameter on the Payroll Flow page to check whether they include a payroll relationship group or element group.

    If it's included, then query these groups on the Object Groups page to confirm that the payroll relationship group includes the person, and that the element group includes the element.

  2. Review the element entries for eligibility on the Element Entries page.

    If the element isn't listed then the employee may not be eligible to receive the element. For involuntary and statutory deductions, review the calculation card to ensure the details are up-to-date.

  3. Review the employee's assigned payrolls and element duration dates to ensure the element entry falls within the duration dates.

    If you recently hired, terminated, or transferred the person to a new payroll, query the person on the Payroll Relationships page to verify dates.

  4. Review the run type on the Run Types page for the payroll run matches the elements you expect.

    If the run type of the expected element isn't in the payroll run, modify to include.