View Balances By Date

Use the Balance by Date responsive page to view the payroll balances for an employee as of a specific date. For example, you can view the Year-to-Date (YTD) overtime balance for an employee as of 31, October 2022.

The Balance by Date page calculates and displays balances as of an effective date. As a result, the page only displays balance dimensions that can be calculated based on a date, such as month-to-date (MTD), period-to-date (PTD), quarter-to-date (QTD), year-to-date (YTD), inception-to-date (ITD0, and so on. The page doesn't display balances for a specific process, such as Run Balances.

Use the Show Filters option to filter the balances by tax reporting unit (TRU), balance group, and so on. You can use the down arrow against a balance to view the calculation breakdown ID and TRU for the displayed balance.

Use Balance by Date in the Payroll area under My Client Groups, search for a person, and enter an Effective Date to view balances for the person as of a specific date.

Use the Balance by Date page to view balances for these scenarios:
  • Retrieve and view balances as of end of a quarter, year, period, month, and so on. Rather than search for a payroll process that was run on or before a particular date, you can now search for a person, enter a date (say end of a quarter or month to view QTD or MTD balances), and view the value of a balance as of that date.
  • Retrieve and view the balances for a person as of a certain date and then determine the incremental change that you must make using balance adjustments.
  • When an employee is transferred from one legal employer to another, a new payroll relationship begins with the new legal employer or payroll statutory unit. In this case, review the balances for the employee as of a day prior to the transfer and then transfer the balances to the new payroll relationship through balance adjustments.
  • View impact of balance initializations for different time dimensions and adjustment dates. For example, a simple three-line batch load can create three adjustments of PTD, QTD, and YTD balances as of the load date. Assuming it’s for a monthly payroll, you can retrieve and verify the balances for each period and for the relevant dimensions by specifying appropriate dates. For example, by entering a date of 01, April, you can view the QTD and YTD balances. By entering a date of 01, January, you can view YTD balances.