View Balance Results

Use the Balance Results page to view balance results of payroll processes, such as payroll calculation, QuickPay, payroll reversal, balance adjustment, and balance initialization.

Access the Balance Results page by using any of these navigations:
  • Use the Person Results task to directly search for an employee and view the Balance Results page.
  • Use the Process Results Summary task to search and select the flow you've submitted and view individual records processed by the flow. Use the Actions menu on an individual record to open the Balance Results page of the employee.

The Balance Results page displays balance amount for the payroll run and the year-to-date period. The page includes these features to enable you view the balance results.

Click on a Pay Run amount to view the Reference details and the balance dimensions that contribute to the balance calculations. Scroll down the page to view the employment level balances.

  • Use the Assignment field to to view the appropriate balances at the assignment level. This option is valid for employees who have multiple assignments.
  • Use the Sort By option to sort the results by balance name, payroll run, or dimension.
  • Use the Process to navigate away from the process you are currently viewing and view the balance results for another process that you have run for the employee.
  • Expand a balance row to view the calculation breakdown and tax reporting unit for the balance.
  • Expand Process Details at the top of the page to view the Payroll Flow Name, Date Earned, Period Start date, Period End Date Payroll and other related details. This region is collapsed by default.
  • Use the Statement of Earnings tab on the page to view to view the calculated results from Payroll and QuickPay processes.
  • Use the Balance Filter to filter by dimension level or dimension period if you are searching by a balance name.
  • Use the Download icon to download the payroll balance results details into an MS Excel worksheet. The Export feature supports the following:
    • The Microsoft Excel report includes a separate column for each attribute and label supported by the list view on the Balance Results page. The order of the columns on the report is the same as the order of the attributes within each row on the Balance Results page.
    • The report shows the same filtered values as that shown on the Balance Results page. For example, if you have filtered the information on the Balance Results page based on Balance Name or Balance Group Name, the exported worksheet includes the same information as shown on the filtered Balance Results page.
    • The sort order of the rows on the page is the same as the sort order of the rows on the report.