View RetroPay Results

View your employee retropay results.

You can view results of the Recalculate Payroll for Retro flow, also caled Retro Results from the Person Results page.

To view the results:

  1. Click the My Client Groups tab on your home page.

  2. Click the Payroll icon.
  3. In the Flow Submission and Results section, click the Person Results link.
  4. In the Search field, enter your employee's name.
  5. In the Search Person Advance Search list, click the row with your employee's name.
  6. From the Person Results page in the Results Listing section, click the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process link.
    Note: You can use the Show Filters link to reduce results and find the run more easily.
  7. View the Retropay Results process details, such as the element totals, element details and specific payroll periods associated to them.
    Note: This page displays any overtime premium earnings total amount and the payroll periods it applies to, and the payroll assigned and any rate change made. The recalculation dates indicate how many payroll periods were affected by the retro action. The dates listed indicate the specific payroll period of the retroactive change.
  8. In the Process Runs section, click the Expand icon. The date displayed is the date of the period that’s been reprocessed. Below are the earnings from the original run, then the retro run. If you expand the element for more details, you can see the earnings for the original run, the earnings calculated with the new rate, and the difference which is reflected in the Net Retropay Amount.
    Note: If the original run had no values, that indicates that an entry was added after the run, and is why it’s now captured in the retro run. If the retro run has no values, but the original run does, that indicates that an entry has been deleted.
From any of the results, you can open the Calculation Entries that were entered for this payroll period.
  1. Click the Actions button and select the Calculation Entries link.
  2. Click the Standard Entries link to drill down and see all the entries for that period.
  3. Use the Search field to reduce results by type.
    Note: The calculation entries for this payroll period are displayed and the date to determine the payroll period was carried forward from the retro payments page. Drill down to see all the entries for this period. Search for and view all the overtime entries that were processed during this period.
Use the Back icon to navigate back to the retro payment information. Use the Process drop-down list to view the processes that have been run for this employee. The choices in the list are identified with the dates the process was run.
Note: The processes with a Retro Run Identifier are the processes that ran as a part of the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes.
  1. Choose the original run from the drop-down list to view the Statement of Earnings.
  2. Click the dollar amount links in the Statement of Earnings to view the details of each value, such as Net Payment and Earnings.
  3. Click the Standard Entries link to drill down and see all the entries for that period.
  4. Use the Show Details link to drill down for even more details, if needed.
  5. You can use the Search field to reduce results by type.
In the Earnings section, click to expand the earnings row and view details.
Use these navigation options to see the run result values that the retro run has calculated, and review and compare the run results of the original run and the retro run, as needed.