Assignment-Level Attributes

Person level attributes allude to role identifier and Reporting Establishment to support Teachers’ Pension and MCR reporting.

There are two important MCR identifiers at assignment level:

  • Role Identifier
  • Reporting Establishment
Note: Where multiple assignments exist and each assignment is eligible for the Teachers’ Pension scheme, both the Role Identifier and Reporting Establishment is required on each assignment to be included in the MCR.

Role Identifier (Role ID)

The Role Identifier is required to identify to Teachers’ Pension each eligible job role a member holds. Its format is determined by the contractual arrangement the member has with their employer.It’s analphanumeric field that is between 3 and 21 characters including a forward slash separator that separates the two parts of the RI, for example 1/1.

The Role ID recorded on each of the member’s assignments must be unique within the reporting establishment. (For example, if a member works in 2 schools and has 1 assignment in each, the Role ID on each assignment could be 1/1, but not if both assignments were within the same school.)

Once you’ve submitted a record with a Role Identifier to Teachers’ Pension, you can’t change that Role ID. Also, when an assignment ends, you cannot reuse the same Role Identifier for that member on a new assignment if it’s in the same establishment.

Refer to the current guidance on the Role Identifier provided by Teachers’ Pension in their Monthly Contributions Reconciliation (MCR) User Guide.

Note: Role Identifier usage is specific to the Teachers’ Pension scheme. If an assignment is not eligible for the Teachers’ Pension scheme, do not enter a Role Identifier for it. If you have incorrectly entered a Role Identifier for an assignment that is not eligible for the Teachers’ Pension scheme, you must remove it in the correction mode.

In the Employment Information section of the assignment, enter Role Identifier and Reporting Establishment.

Reporting Establishment

An assignment must be associated with a reporting establishment that has an Establishment Number to be reported correctly in the MCR. If either of the following applies, an eligible assignment is considered for the MCR, but it will raise a missing establishment number error in the Errors and Warnings report that’s generated by the MCR flow:

  • The assignment is not associated with a reporting establishment.
  • The assignment is associated with a reporting establishment that has no Establishment Number.
Note: The LA Central Establishment indicator at reporting establishment level is used in the School Workforce Census only.