Person-Level Attributes

Person level attributes allude to Teacher Reference Number (TRN) and TPS Temporary NI Number to support Teachers’ Pension and MCR reporting.

Teacher Reference Number

The Teacher Reference Number is a unique 7-digit reference number for the member’s pension record, allocated by the Department for Education. This number remains with the employee throughout their teaching career, applies to all their assignments, and doesn’t change if they move legal authorities. Its usage is not specific to pensions. If you don’t have a unique Teacher Reference Number for an employee when their first MCR submission is due to be made, you must record or load a default Teacher Reference Number of 0000000.

TPS Temporary NI Number

The TPS Temporary NI Number field enables you to record the temporary (administrative) NI Number assigned by Teachers’ Pension to an employee who does not yet have, or does not know, their permanent NI Number. The usage of this field is specific to Teachers’ Pension and should not be used for other purposes. If both a temporary and permanent NI Number exist, the permanent number is reported in the MCR and the temporary number is ignored.

You can validate the format of the number you enter in the TPS Temporary NI Number field using a delivered Autocomplete rule, GB Validate Teachers Pension Temporary NI Number Format. This rule validates if the user has entered a TPS Temporary NI Number that is 9 characters and the first 2 characters are QQ, the next 6 are numeric, followed by M, F, or U. It raises a message if the format entered does not match the format defined in the rule. We recommend that if you use this rule, you don’t change the rule logic about the format to ensure it complies with Teachers’ Pension requirements.

See the section Validate Default Information Using Autocomplete Rules for more information on obtaining access to Autocomplete and using this delivered rule.

Navigate to Personal Details and go to Demographic Info to enter a Teacher Reference Number or TPS Temporary NI Number.

Note: Date-effective updates to person-related information, for example, a new address, do not trigger an update record, but if an update is triggered for another reason, the person-related information that’s effective as of the submission date is reported.