Enrolment Type

The enrolment type maps to the Pension Joining Method field on the pension automatic enrolment calculation card.

When the Qualifying Scheme Start Date on the pension automatic enrolment card matches the start date of the MCR submission, an enrolment type is included in the report. Use of the pension automatic enrolment card is therefore a prerequisite for reporting of this field in the MCR.

Map an enrolment type using the lookup type Pension Joining Method lookup:

Lookup Code Extended Code Extended Name (USER-DEFINED)
Automatic enrolment Auto TPS Automatic enrolment
Automatic re-enrolment Auto TPS Automatic re-enrolment
Contractual enrolment Cont TPS Contractual enrolment
Manually enrolled Cont TPS Manually enrolled
Note: Backdated transfer, Transfer, Opt-in and Contractual Opt-in shouldn’t be reported.