Examples of Organization Model

Depending on your organisation model, there is flexibility in the organisation structures you can create.

This table shows the minimum structures you need and optional organisation structures for your requirements:

Education Sector Model PSU Legal Employer TRU Reporting Establishment
Payroll provider (a 750/xxxx submission) 1 for each payroll provider 1 for each payroll provider (1:1 with PSU).

Additional legal employers as required, for example, to represent local authorities, academies or MATs on whose behalf the payroll provider is reporting.

1 for each payroll provider

Optionally, additional TRUs, for example, to represent academies, trusts or local authorities on whose behalf the payroll provider is reporting.

1 for each payroll provider even if no centrally hired staff (1:1 with legal employer).

Additional reporting establishments for the academies and schools on whose behalf the payroll provider is reporting.

MAT (a 751/xxxx submission)

See Payroll provider information for 750/xxxx submissions done on behalf of a trust.

1 for each trust 1 for each trust (1:1 with PSU)

Additional legal employers as required for individual academies within the trust

1 for each trust for centrally hired staff.

Optionally, additional TRUs for individual academies within the trust

1 for each trust for centrally hired staff (1:1 with legal employer).

1 for each academy (can be 1:1 with a TRU or a reporting establishment only)

Local Authority Only Model

See Payroll provider information for 750/xxxx submissions.

1 for each local authority 1 for centrally hired staff (1:1 with PSU)

Additional legal employers may be required for individual schools.

1 for each local authority PSU

Additional TRUs may be required

1 for the local authority for centrally hired staff.

1 for each school. May or may not be 1:1 with TRU.

Academy Only Model

See Payroll provider information for 750/xxxx submissions.

1 for each academy 1 for each academy (1:1 with PSU) 1 for each academy 1 for each academy (1:1 with TRU)