Configuration Examples of Organization Models

The following are suggested configuration examples.

Payroll Provider

Record the Payroll Provider Number at PSU level and a Local Authority number at PSU level (for example, you could just enter 750). You’ll select both the Payroll Provider Number and the Local Authority Number in the submission flow parameters, but the Local Authority Number won’t be reported in the MCR output (assuming you have no employees attached to the main reporting establishment.)

Multi-Academy Trust (MAT)

Record the MAT registration number at PSU level and Local Authority Number 751 at PSU level. The central staff and executive head teachers are reported against the Local Authority Number 751 and the Establishment Number recorded on the main reporting establishment for the MAT. Academy-based staff are reported against the academy’s LA Number level.

Local Authority Model

In the example shown below, the Local Authority Number is recorded at PSU-level only; it is reported for all central staff and those working in schools or academies within the local authority.


In this (non-MAT) academies model, each academy is a separate PSU and legal employer.