Manual Enrolment Processes

If the Pensions Automatic Enrolment process has not created the main pension scheme enrolment for an employee, you can enrol them manually.

Note: In case of manual enrolment, you will need to fill in the QPS details and joining method in the pensions automatic enrolment card and create association for the card, so that archive runs successfully.
  1. Use the Calculation Cards task to create a new or update an existing Benefits and Pensions card for the employee.
  2. Click Add, to create and then select the pension contribution type for the main pension scheme.
  3. Enter the relevant information, including Pension Payroll ID, and details if applicable. See the section on Multiple Assignments for more information on usage of the Pension Payroll ID.

    Contribution Type Information: Main Scheme

    Pension Payroll ID Enter the employee’s eight-digit identifier that is a unique reference to each instance of their main pension scheme contribution type.
    Partial Deduction Allowed Specify whether partial deduction is allowed or not for this employee.
    Payee List of third-party payees created as pension providers.
    Flat Amount for Employee Contribution Not used. Contribution rate is stored in calculation value definition.
    Permanent Pensionable Pay Override to the Permanent Pensionable Pay balance
    Reference Number Allows you to record a reference number that may be provided by the third-party pension provider. Note: This is different to the Pension Payroll ID.
  4. Click Add, to associate the employee assignment to the main scheme.
Note: Employer contributions and employee contributions are defined in the TPS Employer Pension Rates and TPS Employee Pension Rates value definitions. You can’t override these on a member’s Benefits and Pensions card. You can make adjustments with user-defined elements, but you must ensure that the calculated pension contributions and reported contributions are as expected, by checking the relevant balances.