Record of Additional Pension Contributions

Use the Calculation Cards task to record an employee’s additional pension contributions:

Open the employee’s Benefits and Pensions card.

Create additional contribution types by adding components for any elements created previously.
Note: There is no validation between the parent scheme and the additional contribution types selected on the card. It is a user responsibility to configure valid combinations of additional contribution elements and the main pension scheme with which they are associated.

Contribution Type Information: Additional Pension Contributions

Partial Deduction Allowed Specify whether partial deduction is allowed or not for this employee.
Payee List of third-party payees created as pension providers.
Additional Pension Employee Contribution Enter a percent or flat amount as determined by the element template setup.
Additional Pension Employer Contribution Enter a percent or flat amount as determined by the template setup.
Reference Number Allows you to record a reference number that may be provided by the third-party pension provider. Note: This is different to the Pension Payroll ID