Regenerate TPS Monthly Contributions Reconciliation File after a File Rejection

Errors such as naming convention, contribution summary (part-time salary greater than full-time salary...), member data errors and personal data mismatches are normally tracked in our validation process.

But the whole file may be rejected for errors that were not tracked in the validation report when the user attempts to load the file in the TPS portal.

The errors need to be corrected in Fusion, and then you would need to either mark for retry each line in error and then retry the tasks, or roll back the full extract flow and submit the flow again afresh. The choice would depend on the number of errors reported and the number of people needing to be retried versus the relative reprocessing time needed and consideration that a whole new flow would re-extract data redundantly for members having no errors reported. If you opt for the retry approach then mark individual records for retry by drilling down from the “Generate TPS Monthly Contributions Reconciliation File" archive retrieval task to the list of people who were in error, and from there mark the appropriate people for retry. Then drill down from the archive task to the list of people processed and mark the same people for retry.