Validate MCR Submissions, Assignments, and Missing Records

Use the HCM UK TPS MCR Submission and Assignment-Level Diagnostics Report to validate your monthly MCR submission, the assignments included in it, and records that have been excluded but potentially should be reported.

The following parameters are provided for this report:

  • Payroll Statutory Unit (required)
  • Effective Date (required)
  • Local Authority Number
  • MAT or Payroll Provider Number
  • Establishment Number
  • Assignment Number

Payroll Statutory Unit and Effective Date are required parameters. The other parameters you select determine the report output. You must additionally do one of the following:

  • To check for missing records prior to your MCR submission, or to check for gaps in submissions or duplicate submissions for the same period, select the Local Authority Number. (You can optionally use the MAT or Payroll Provider Number and Establishment Number parameters too). It’s recommended that you run this before the MCR flow submission.
  • To check for missing person and assignment information at individual assignment level, select the Assignment Number. If an assignment number includes a prefix letter, for example for automatically generated assignment numbers, such as E45678, include that prefix letter too in the parameter.
    • You can optionally use the Local Authority Number, MAT or Payroll Provider Number and Establishment Number parameters too.) It’s recommended that you run this after the MCR flow submission.
    • If no missing attributes are reported, the person exists in the PSU and has a Teacher Reference Number. Their assignment has a Role Identifier and is associated with a reporting establishment that has an Establishment Number.

These checks are performed:

Validation Type Validation Description
MCR Submission Validation Incomplete series of monthly submissions made based on the effective date - there is a gap in submission period. For example, January 2023 was run, then March 2023; no submission for February 2023.

Checks if the Monthly Contributions Reconciliation report was submitted more than once for the same period (in which case, a rollback is required).

Person and Assignment Validation Checks if the selected assignment number exists in the PSU.

Checks if the following exists for the selected assignment:

  • Teacher Reference Number (recorded at person level).
  • Role Identifier.
  • Association with a reporting establishment that has an Establishment Number.
Missing Records Identifies people who don’t have both a Role ID and Teacher Reference Number and are therefore not reported in the MCR, but possibly should be based on the attributes that are present. See below for more details.

Missing Records

When you run this report for a selected local authority, the report checks for assignments and Benefits and Pension cards that are active at any point in the service period for which you are running the report (based on the Effective Date parameter) and that have any of the following incomplete combinations of information:

  • Role Identifier but no Teacher Reference Number
  • Teacher Reference Number but no Role Identifier
  • Enrollment in a Teachers’ Pension scheme and neither a Role Identifier or Teacher Reference Number, or just one of those two attributes.

If the person has one of the above combinations of attributes, they will not be included in the MCR flow, but the partial information that’s recorded for them implies that potentially they should in the MCR. This information enables you to review the employee’s details and to determine if the information is incomplete or incorrect. The reported information is in a table format, similar to this, so you can see easily which attributes are missing for the person.

Employees with Missing MCR Attributes

LA Number Organization Establishment Establishment Number TRU Name Person Number Surname Forename NI Number Teacher Reference Number Assignment Number Role ID Pension Scheme Enrolment
123 LA ABC School 1 2468 LA ABC 12345678 Smith Sarah QQ123456A <Null> 12345678 <Null> TPS CARE
123 LA ABC School 1 2468 LA ABC 12345680 Brown David QQ123457A 1294211 12345680-1 <Null> TPS CARE
123 LA ABC School 1 2468 LA ABC 12345680 Brown David QQ123457A 1294211 12345680-2 <Null> <Null>
123 LA ABC School 2 2469 LA ABC 12345690 Banks Lisa QQ123459A 12345690 1/1 TPS CARE

A termination is reported if the final close date occurs in a later period. For example, if you run the report with an effective date that is anything from 1 to 28 February, it will include terminations with a final close date of 1 March or later. This is because it’s possible that post-termination pensionable earnings exist (which, if the assignment was liable for MCR reporting, should be reported in the MCR).

If the final close date precedes the period for which the report is run, the person will not be included in the table.