Element Classifications for Court Orders, Student Loans, and Postgraduate Loans

Each court order type is defined by a secondary classification. The secondary classifications are predefined under the primary classification Involuntary Deductions.

Use the predefined template to ensure that all the Court Order elements are set up correctly. When anelement is created using this template, all the required common attributes are also attached to the element.
  • Primary Classification: Involuntary Deduction
  • Secondary Classification (Court Order Type)
  • Attachment of Earnings Order Fines
  • Attachment of Earnings Order Non-Priority
  • Attachment of Earnings Order Priority Northern Ireland
  • Attachment of Earnings Order Priority
  • Attachment of Earnings Order Priority Northern Ireland
  • Child Maintenance service Deduction from Earnings Order
  • Conjoined Arrestment Order
  • Council Tax Attachment of Earnings Order
  • Council Tax Attachment of Earnings Order Wales
  • Current Maintenance Arrestment
  • Deductions from Earnings Order
  • Direct Earnings Attachment
  • Earnings Arrestment
  • Postgraduate Loan
  • Student Loan