Overview of Court Orders, Student Loans, and Postgraduate Loans

You can set up Attachment or Arrestment of Earnings and allocate them to make required deductions from your employees. This is part of involuntary deductions. The term court includes all issuing authorities. Attachment of earnings is also commonly referred to as court order.

You can use this feature to set up and allocate these:

  • Different types of court orders

  • Student loans

  • Postgraduate loans

For the UK, court orders have specific rules and data requirements that affect the deduction calculation.

The application provides all court order elements under the primary classification Involuntary Deductions. And, the predefined secondary classifications together with a template to ensure that the court orders and student loans elements are appropriately created. Each type of court order is a predefined secondary classification, including the student loans and postgraduate loans. This enables you to set up your court order elements using the template that uses fast formulas, lookups, value setup, value group, value definition, and range. These are used when the element is processed for an employee.

You must create the Court Order elements as Involuntary Deductions and select the secondary classification as the type of Court Order. For example, Attachment of Earnings –Fines or Attachment of Earnings - Priority Order.

Depending on the order of Attachment of Earnings issued to the employer by the courts, the corresponding Court Order element must be attached to that employee. Each type of Court Order has a set of required and optional values that you must complete for that employee.

The issuing authority for the court order defines this information. For example, an Attachment of Earnings Priority Order will have different input value requirements to a Child Maintenance Service Deduction from Earnings Order (CMSDEO).

The deductions for student loans and postgraduate loans also follow a similar setup as the court orders. But they have a different set of input values and association requirements.