Elements for Taxable Benefits in Kind

The elements for the benefits-in-kind feature are created when a benefit component is created.

There can be up to two elements entries created depending on whether it is a simple or complex calculation:

  • Calculation element: This triggers the formula calculation. Benefits with basic information will have only one element entry.
  • Results element: This stores the results of the calculations and other relevant information. Benefits with interim calculation or rates to be fetched have both calculation element and this element.

You must create eligibility for the elements before the Taxable Benefit components are created for an employee.

Here's a list of predefined elements and the required eligibility:

Elements and Eligibility Required

Element Name Create Eligibility
Assets Transferred Processor Yes
Assets Transferred Result No
Payments Made On Behalf Of Employee Processor Yes
Payments Made On Behalf Of Employee Result No
Vouchers and Credit Cards Processor Yes
Vouchers and Credit Cards Result No
Mileage Allowance Payments Processor Yes
Mileage Allowance Payments Calculator No
Mileage Allowance Payments Result No
Car And Car Fuel Processor Yes
Car and Car Fuel Calculator No
Car and Car Fuel Result No
Van And Van Fuel Processor Yes
Van And Van Fuel Result No
Private Medical Treatment Or Insurance Processor Yes
Private Medical Treatment Or Insurance Result No
Qualifying Relocation Expenses Processor Yes
Qualifying Relocation Expenses Calculator No
Qualifying Relocation Expenses Result No
Service Supplied Processor Yes
Service Supplied Result No
Assets Placed At Employees Disposal Processor Yes
Assets Placed At Employee Disposal Result No
Other Items Processor Yes
Other Items Result No
Expenses Payments Processor Yes
Expenses Payments Result No
Note: You need to create the eligibility for all processor elements before using them.

To ensure that the benefit’s cash equivalent amount is calculated using the elements in the payroll process:

  1. Create the eligibility for the benefit element, that is, the processor element.
  2. Create the benefit.
  3. Create the benefit component for the type of benefit. This creates an element entry.
  4. Create the association at the TRU level with the association details:
    1. Link the benefit with the assignment and identify which taxable or NIable balance must be updated with benefit’s taxable cash equivalent.
    2. Each Benefit calculation component must have an association and association details created
Note: This is a one-time activity.

When you run payroll, the indirect element result is posted to the relevant result and calculator elements.

Some benefit types only create one resulting element whereas others will also create an additional calculator element. The calculator element is used for benefit types that require complex calculations, use rates, and lookup tables, or require an audit of the interim results or values to be available.

For a full list of all the elements and their input values, see Taxable Benefits Elements and Input Values.