Taxable Benefits Elements and Input Values

These are the taxable benefits elements and their input values.

Taxable BEnefits Elements

Element Name Input Value Name
Assets Placed At Employee Disposal Result Cash Equivalent
Asset Description
Remaining Tax Period
Payroll Term ID
Payroll Assignment ID
Assets Transferred Result Cash Equivalent
Asset Description
Remaining Tax Period
Payroll Term ID
Payroll Assignment ID
Car and Car Fuel Calculator Total Price or Interim Sum Used
Rounded CO2 Emission
Appropriate Percentage Used
Car Benefit Full Year
Total Days Unavailable
Deduction for Unavailability
Benefit for Period Car was Available
Car Fuel Benefit Full Year
Total Days for No Fuel Charge
Reduction for Car Fuel Unavailability
Modified Cash Equivalent of Car Used
Amount Applicable for deduction
Provisional Sum for Car
Car and Car Fuel Result Car Benefit Cash Equivalent
Car Fuel Benefit Cash Equivalent
Remaining taxable period
Payroll Term ID
Payroll Assignment ID
Car Benefit Annual Amount
Car Fuel Benefit Charge Annual Amount
Expenses Payments Result Cash Equivalent
Expense Type
Other Description
Remaining Tax Period
Entertainment Expense Payments
Payment For Use of Home Phone Expense Payments
Non-qualifying Relocation Expenses Payment
Travel and Subsistence Expenses Payments
Other Expenses Payments
Payroll Term ID
Payroll Assignment ID
Mileage Allowance Payments Calculator Total Mileage Payments
Amount Taxed
Net Mileage Paid
Vehicle Used
Total Business Mile Travelled
First Tax-Free Rate
Second Tax-Free Rate
Miles at First Tax-Free Rate
Miles at Second Tax-Free Rate
Amount at First Tax-Free Rate
Amount at Second Tax-Free Rate
Total Tax-Free Amount
Business Miles Tax-Free Amount
Mileage Allowance Payments Result Taxable Business Mileage Amount
Taxable Mileage Amount
Taxable Amount
Payroll Term ID
Payroll Assignment ID
Other Items Result Cash Equivalent
Description Of Other Items Class 1A NICs
Description Of Other Items Non-Class 1A NICs
Taxable Benefit Subjected to Tax
Taxable Benefit Subjected to NI
Value for Class 1A NICs
Value for Non-Class 1A NICs
Remaining Tax Period
Payroll Term ID
Payroll Assignment ID
Payments Made On Behalf Of Employee Result Cash Equivalent
Payment Description
Remaining Tax Period
Payroll Term ID
Payroll Assignment ID
Cash Equivalent
Remaining Tax Period
Payroll Term ID
Payroll Assignment ID
Qualifying Relocation Expenses Calculator Exempt Amount
Qualifying Relocation Expenses Result Cash Equivalent
Remaining taxable period
Payroll Term ID
Payroll Assignment ID
Service Supplied Result Cash Equivalent
Remaining Tax Period
Payroll Term ID
Payroll Assignment ID
Van And Van Fuel Calculator Standard Charge Applicable
Total Days Unavailable
Reduction for Unavailability
Benefit after Reduction for Unavailability
Reduction Amount for Sharing
Reduction after Sharing
Fuel Benefit Charge for Tax Year
Total Days for No Fuel Charge
Fuel Benefit Reduction for Unavailability
Fuel Benefit Charge after Reduction for Unavailability
Fuel Benefit Reduction Amount for Sharing
Van And Van Fuel Result Van Benefit Charge Cash Equivalent
Fuel Benefit Charge Cash Equivalent
Remaining Tax Period
Payroll Term ID
Payroll Assignment ID
Vouchers and Credit Cards Result Cash Equivalent
Remaining Tax Period
Payroll Term ID
Payroll Assignment ID