Pension Enrolment and Submission by Employee

Once the employee has selected the My Pensions action, what they can do next depends on the options they select.

If the employee has selected the My Pensions action, what they can do next depends on one of these options:

  • Not yet enrolled

    It is possible that the employee isn't yet enrolled in any scheme. For example, if Pensions Automatic Enrolment process hasn’t yet run or the process has run but hasn’t enrolled them in a scheme. Or, if the employee has opted out of enrolment manually, they get the option to see the pension schemes that they are eligible to join.

    To see all the pension schemes that the employee is eligible for, the employees can use the Add option. They can select a pension scheme, if there is no pension scheme selected. They can change contributions, and also edit other information.

  • Already enrolled

    Already enrolled employees can view the current pension scheme and details in My Pension Enrolments. To make changes to employee contribution, they can select the Edit option.

    To change to a different scheme, they must first end the enrolment, and then select another scheme to enrol in. to do this, they need to use the End Enrolment to Scheme option.

    Note: Employer contributions aren't editable. These are based on the default employer rates for the pensions scheme. However, if these are based on a matching contribution rule, the contributions are defaulted to the correct rate. This could be up to the maximum rate set for the scheme. The employee can either leave or change the default values, as required.