Important Considerations for Pensions Enrolment Using Employee Self-Service

While implementing pension enrolment using employee self-service, you must consider these important points related to multiple assignments and enrolment into multiple pension schemes.

Employees with multiple assignments won't able to enroll all assignments into the pension scheme. A professional user can do this for them.

It's currently not possible for the employee to enrol into multiple pension schemes using employee self-service. A professional user can enroll employees into multiple schemes at the same time.

If the pension scheme is set up at organization level and no value is provided for employee contribution, here are some points to consider:

  • If a pension is enrolled using the employee self service UI, the default contribution values for employee and employer contributions defined at the time of element creation are used.
  • If a Benefits and Pensions calculation is automatically created through the Pensions Automatic Enrollment process, the default values will not be fetched from the element. If no overrides are defined, it will be blank. Else, the contributions are taken from the overrides.