Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment Multiple Updates Process

The Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment Multiple Updates process classifies workers to determine eligibility for automatic enrolment or re-enrolment in a qualifying pension scheme.

Use the Submit a Payroll Flow task in the Payroll to run this process. The process enables you to:

  • Assess workers for contractual enrolment
  • Classify workers to determine eligibility for automatic enrolment and re-enrolment in a qualifying pension scheme
  • Run a payroll to process earnings and assess them for eligibility
  • Perform the appropriate enrolment action based on the employee’s classification or eligibility to contractual enrolment and the values defined on their Pensions Automatic Enrolment card
  • Produce an audit report for both enrolments and re-enrolments, including a section for those employees not automatically enrolled
  • Roll back the assessment payroll run

This process flow is independent of the main payroll run. The assessments should be done early in the payroll cycle so that consequent actions, such as communications with the employee for opting in and opting out decisions can be made before the main payroll run cycle. You can run the assessment process multiple times in a payroll period.

The process first checks to see if the automatic re-enrolment date is applicable to each employee in the population, taking into account the overriding re-enrolment dates, and if so runs the re-enrolment process. Otherwise, the normal assessment process is run for each eligible employee.

When to Run This Process

  • Payroll managers and administrators should run this process at the beginning of each pay period, which allows time to send employee notification letters and process opt-out actions before a pension contribution is deducted. This practice helps reduce the number of pension refunds you might need to process in subsequent payrolls.

  • You can also run the process periodically throughout the payroll period as earnings build. You can run the process multiple times during a pay period. Identifying potential issues early in the cycle gives you time to resolve issues before the cycle end date.

  • You may choose to run the process one final time just before the actual payroll run. This practice helps you to obtain the most accurate and up-to-date estimates for automatic enrolment pensionable earnings and qualifying earnings. In the actual payroll run, the application processes the pension deduction elements created (or updated) by the assessment.

Before You Start

You must ensure that:

  • Each employee being processed has a Pensions Automatic Enrolment card. A Pensions Automatic Enrolment card with one Pensions Automatic Enrolment component is created automatically during the new hire process.

  • For manual enrolments, the employee also has a Benefits and Pensions calculation card containing a Qualifying Pension Scheme component.

Process Execution and Parameters

Use the Submit a Flow task. Select the LDG and then select the flow Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment Multiple Updates Process.


Enter the required parameters and submit the process.



Payroll Flow

Identifier for the process being run. Enter a unique value each time you run the process.


Name of the payroll to process.

Payroll Period

Pay period (as defined in the payroll calendar) to process. The process automatically determines the pay reference period based on the selected payroll period.

Effective Date

Effective date for actions, such as enrolments, taken by this process.

Date Earned

Determines which earnings entries to process in the payroll run.

Consolidation Group

Identifies payrolls to process.

Run Type

Payroll run type, either regular or supplemental.

Payroll Relationship Group

Identifies payroll relationships to process.

Element Group

Identifies elements to process. See Element Group for Pensions Automatic Enrolment

Process Configuration Group

Determines the rules for processing, such as logging and number of threads. This process configuration group can contain the ‘Maximum Errors Allowed’ action parameter value. This is used in both the Payroll Assessment Run task and the Pension Assessor Multiple Updates task.

Correspondence Date

Date to print on employee notification letters.

Process Results

This process produces these outputs:

  • Employer audit reports

  • Employee notification letters

To view or print process output:

  1. Click Go to Task on the process checklist for the Run Pensions Automatic Enrolment Reports task.

  2. On the Statutory Reports page, select the Processes and Reports tab and then click the icon in the View Results column.

  3. On the View Results window, click the audit report or notification letter you want to view or print. You can also save the report locally.

Flow Tasks

Here are the various tasks within the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Multiple Updates process:

Tasks Within the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Multiple Updates Process

Name Description
Payroll Assessment Run Payroll run for the selected payroll and payroll period from the flow submission.
Pension Assessor Multiple Updates Uses the run results from the Payroll Assessment Run task to update employee’s Pension Assessment component and carry out membership changes to qualifying scheme.
Errors and Warnings Lists any errors and warnings produced by the above two processes
Run Pensions Automatic Enrolment Report Produces audit reports and archive data for the Employee Notification letters. See Pensions Automatic Enrolment Audit Reports .
Payroll Assessment Roll Back Rolls back the process results from the assessment run in the first task. If any of the tasks fail before the final task of Payroll Assessment Roll Back is complete, a manual rollback of the Payroll Assessment Run must be done. This is because the process would have generated run results that will impact any future payroll runs regardless of whether they're for a pension assessment run or not.
View Payroll Roll Back Errors Checks if there are any employees for whom the rollback of Payroll Assessment Run wasn't done successfully.
Run Errors and Warnings (for Rollback) View the error messages including the employees whose payroll wasn't rolled back successfully.