Taxable Benefits Calculation Component Rules

All component details have some common segments with similar behavior for benefit types. The fields share the same validation and processing rules applied to the data entered.

These rules apply on the common fields, if the field is present within the benefit component details structure:

  • Reporting and Processing

    Use this to override values that are set at the organization level to indicate if the benefit must be processed in payroll or reported on P11D. If a benefit is set up as Payroll Processing at the organization level, you can change the option to P11D Reporting.

    You need to notify HMRC and get approval for all benefits that your organization will process through payroll. At the start of each tax year, you need to set the option appropriately for the benefit types at the organization-level Taxable Benefits calculation card.

    Note: The default option is P11D Reporting, if no entry is specified for the benefit type or no calculation card is created at the organization level.
  • Available from Date and Available to Date

    You can use the Available from and Available to dates to calculate prorated value for the benefits correctly, especially for mid-period terminations.

    For example, if the benefit component is created with an effective date of 25 Jan, but the actual benefit is not effective until 01 Feb, you need to enter the Available from Date as 01 Feb. The benefit taxable amount is calculated in payroll from that date and not the benefit component effective date.

    If an employee is leaving (or has left) March, set the Available to Date as the date until when the benefit will be active. For example, 10 Mar. Use the Available to Date to ensure accurate proration of the benefit.

    Note: To ensure that the taxable amount for a benefit’s prorated value is calculated in payroll for a terminating employee, don't end date the component. Otherwise, the component won't be processed in the payroll run.
  • Tax Processing Rule

    Use the tax processing rule to specify if the taxable amount calculated for the benefit must be added to taxable pay for the period. And, whether it's a one-time tax liability or if it is across tax periods in the tax year.

    Note: Tax processing rule only applies to benefits processed through payroll. It isn't relevant for benefits reported on P11D.

    Tax processing rule

    Attribute Description

    Taxed in next available payroll period

    This is the default value. Select this option for one-time benefits such as Assets Transferred, where the equivalent amount might be a large sum to add to the taxable pay. With this option, the employee may end up with a big tax bill that period.
    Taxed across remaining payroll periods Select this option to spread the tax across payroll periods. The taxable equivalent amount is divided by the number of periods remaining in the tax year. And, this amount is added to the taxable pay for each period.

    For example, an expensive set of photographic equipment is transferred to your employee in the 7th month of the tax year. This is paid monthly and the equivalent amount is £5600. With the default option, the whole amount is added to the taxable pay causing a huge spike in tax deduction for that period. If you select this option, the equivalent value £1120 is added to the taxable amount in each period, that is, 5 months. The tax is spread across remaining payroll periods.

  • Overriding Description for P11D

    The benefits for reporting on P11D are generated as an XML file that will be sent to HMRC. Some of these benefits might require a description to be reported as stipulated by the P11D business rules. If you are reporting a benefit on P11D and there is a field Overriding Description for P11D on the component details, you must select a value from the given choice list.

    HMRC might reject your P11D submission or a person’s record on the file submitted, if the required description isn't provided as required by the XML structure.

    Note: No overriding description is required for benefits processed through payroll. It only applies to benefits reported on P11D.
  • Amount Forgone

    Employers can offer Optional Remuneration Arrangements (OpRA). Several benefits are governed by the OpRa Rules. If you enter the amount forgone for a benefit, this is considered in the calculations according to the rules given by HMRC.

    If an employee forgoes an amount of salary with respect to a taxable benefit and if it's higher than the calculated taxable amount of the benefit, then this amount is used as the taxable amount.