How to View the Statement of Earnings

After you calculate your payroll, you can use the Statement of Earnings (SOE) to verify the results for individuals.

The SOE includes two levels of content.

What you can view

What it includes

How you view it

Quick reference

Summary of the gross-to-net calculations for that person.

From the Person Results task, select Statement of Earnings from Actions.

Detailed info

View the person's full run results, organized by tax reporting unit.

  • Gross-to-net

  • Earnings

  • Taxable benefits

  • Employee tax deductions

  • Pretax deductions

  • Other deductions

  • Information

  • Employer contributions

  • Direct payments

  • Absence accruals

  • Absences

  • Rate details

From the quick reference view, select Show Details.

To view the payroll results by payroll or person:

  1. From My Client Groups, click Payroll.

  2. Click Process Results Summary.

  3. Search for and select the results you want to view.

For example, you have an employee who's transferred to another state. As their payroll manager of, you can view their SOE to verify their withholding is for the correct state.

View Additional Info

Use the Actions menu in the SOE to view additional info.


What it shows

Calculation Card

Person's Tax Withholding card.

Costing Results

Costing details for elements processed in the payroll run that have costing info defined for them.

Balance Results

Balance results that confirm the payroll run has completed successfully.

  • Verify that a worker has the correct pay and amount of tax deducted

  • Review a balance before and after adjusting it


Messages generated by payroll processes when they raise warnings or errors.

Run Results

Run results for all elements processed.

Control the Details You View

The Person Results task shows the results for all run types you processed during the payroll run. Here's how you can control what details display in the detailed and summary sections of the SOE.

What you want to see

How you do it

Child processes included in the master process, such as:

  • Processes included in a QuickPay

  • Run types when the payroll run included more than one run type

  1. Click Actions and then Show More.

  2. Expand the levels on the Process Hierarchy menu bar.

Different subsections of the SOE to personalize your view

Click Show Details in Statement of Earnings Summary.

Use these features to:

  • Filter results and view the result details at each level of the employment hierarchy for each run type.

  • View the taxes deducted for each run type at the payroll relationship level.

  • Confirm the appropriate earnings at the assignment level.