Verify and Troubleshoot Payments

As you perform a payroll run, verify each payroll task before continuing with the next one to minimize the effort involved in correcting problems.

For example, be sure to check payroll run results and prepayment results before generating payments.

Verify Payroll Run Results

Follow these steps:

  1. Use these payroll reports to verify run results

    Report name

    How you use it

    Check here for more info

    Balance Exception Report

    Run the Balance Exception report as part of your year-end balancing and reconciliation process. Use it to identify:

    • Incorrect tax amounts withheld

    • Wage over-the-limit situations

    • Any improperly calculated tax liability balances, such as Social Security, Medicare, or FUTA

    Balance Exception Report for the US in the Help Center

    Oracle HCM Cloud for the United States: Balance Exception Report (2325520.1) on My Oracle Support

    Element Results Register

    Lists the elements and pay values for each worker processed in a payroll.

    Element Results Register for the US

    Employee Active Payroll Balance Report

    Displays the current values for any given list of employee balances. This report helps you with:

    • Reconciling your periodic payrolls and quarterly and year-end balances

    • Determining if you have any tax balances over the statutory limits, such as Social Security and deferred compensation

    • Determining if any of the tax liability balances are improperly calculated

    Employee Active Payroll Balance Report for the US in the Help Center

    Gross-to-Net Report

    Review balances generated from payroll run, QuickPay, and payroll reversal calculations before calculating prepayments. View summary or detail listings of the total results calculated in the payroll run. The report displays the balances for the payroll period in which the process date occurs. Typically, you run the report after each payroll run or, at a minimum, on a quarterly basis.

    Gross-to-Net Report for the US in the Help Center

    Periodic Payroll Activity Report

    Payroll verification, validation, and auditing purposes. You can run this report at any time. View and reconcile the payroll balances info with the data archived by the periodic payroll archive process. You can view the archived info in the Payroll Register. You can run this report at any time and use the report for payroll verification, validation, and auditing purposes.

    Periodic Payroll Activity Report for the US in the Help Center

    Payroll Balance Report

    View the detailed balance info for a person over time. You can compare this info with the archived data for validating and reconciling periodic payroll balances.

    Payroll Balance Report for the US in the Help Center

    Periodic Statutory Deduction Register

    Identify the wages and taxes paid by both the employee and employer.

    Periodic Statutory Deduction Register for the US

  2. Use the Person Results task for the Payroll Calculation process to verify the following.

    What you can view

    What this does

    Statement of Earnings

    Displays balance info, including gross pay, deductions, and net payment.

    For further info, see How to View the Statement of Earnings for the US in the Help Center.

    Balance results

    Reviews balance results to:

    1. Confirm the payroll run completed successfully.

    2. Check that a worker has the correct pay and amount of tax deducted.

    3. Check a balance before and after adjusting it.

    Costing results

    Reviews the costing results for a person for the selected run. Costing details include only those elements processed in the run that have costing info defined for them. If the results are incorrect, you can process a corrective action.

    Run results

    Reviews run results for all elements processed.


    Views messages generated by payroll processes, if any.

  3. For any errors, correct the underlying data and use the Retry and Mark for Retry task actions.

  4. If you find an error in a person's record that requires additional info or research before you can correct it:

    1. Roll back the record.

      For further info, see Mark for Retry, Retry, and Roll Back Payroll Results in the Help Center.

    2. Remove the person from the payroll run.

    3. Continue processing the payroll for the other people.

    4. Fix the problem on the person's record when you're able.

    5. Use QuickPay to process their payroll.

      For further info, see How to Run QuickPay Flows in the Help Center.

  5. If you find multiple problems in the payroll run:

    1. Roll back the process.

    2. Make all necessary corrections to resolve the problems.

    3. Rerun the process.

Verify Prepayments

The Calculate Prepayments task is part of the US Simplified Payroll Cycle flow. If you run the task as a standalone process, you can use the View Payroll Process Results page to verify the results. If you discover an error, you can retry, mark for retry, or roll rack the process. You can roll back the record for an individual or for the entire process.

For further info, see Mark for Retry, Retry, and Roll Back Payroll Results in the Help Center.

Troubleshoot Payments Issues

You can find the resources in this table to help you through the troubleshooting process.


Where you can find it

How you use it

Payment Results

Payment Results section of the Person Results task

Verify the payment results match the prepayment results.

Periodic Payroll Register Report

Review the report output after running its process

Verify total payment amounts per balance category.

Compare payment values to previous periods.

Payment Register Report

Review the report output after running its process

Use the summary to verify the total amounts paid by payment category, type, status, and method.

Use the detail to validate payments for each employee, including the payment amount, bank, and check info.

Optionally, filter this report by location when reconciling payments. The report lists the payroll relationship records based on a person's assignment location. The location is listed with the other parameters, but not on the results.

Process log file

In Output and Log Files on the process's results, select View Log.

Review the log file of each process you submitted to obtain detailed info about their results.

If you find an error after generating payments, you can't simply roll back the payment process. For further info, see Examples of Correcting Payments for the US in the Help Center.