Edit Processing Priority of Elements

The elements required for an absence record might need to be modified in terms of sequence of processing.

After all the elements that are required for an absence are created, you may need to edit them to ensure they process in the correct sequence.

If you selected the option to reduce the regular earnings by absence payment, the priority of element can remain unchanged.

If the deduction is based on a Rate Definition, then you need to ensure that the Absence elements are processed after Regular Earnings elements. Modify the processing priority of all absence elements to 2600.

Perform the following steps using the Manage Elements task to edit these elements:

  1. In the My Client Groups work area, select Payroll > Elements.
  2. Search for the relevant element using the search filters such as Element or Reporting Name, Element Classification Name or Legislative Data Group.
  3. Click Search.
  4. In the Search Results section, click the names of the elements created earlier.
  5. Click Edit, then Correct.
  6. Enter '2600' as the Priority.
  7. Click Submit.