Create Element Eligibility

Element eligibility for absences need to be created based on a number of criteria.

The template creates the following elements:
  • Absence type name
  • Absence type name Entitlement
  • Absence type name Recovery Calculator
  • Absence type name Entitlement Result
  • Absence type name Entitlement Retro
  • Absence type name Entitlement Calculator
You must create the eligibility for the following elements:
  • <Base Element Name>
  • <Base Element Name> Entitlement
  • <Base Element Name> Recovery Calculator
  • <Base Element Name> Entitlement Result
  • <Base Element Name> Entitlement Retro
  • <Base Element Name> Entitlement Calculator

Perform the following steps to create element eligibility:

  1. In the My Client Groups work area, select Payroll > Elements.
  2. In Element Overview of the Element Summary page, select Element Eligibility.
  3. Select Create Element Eligibility from Actions.
  4. In Element Eligibility, enter the Element Eligibility Name.
    Note: There are a number of criteria available to define eligibility. Make sure that the eligibility is defined in such a way that all employees on the absence plan are eligible. Otherwise, the calculation card will not be created.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Click Done.
  7. Search for the other elements prefixed with your absence element name.
  8. Select each element in turn and repeat these steps on the Element Summary page to define eligibility for each element.