Overview of Setting up a Plan and Type for Maternity Leave

An employee is eligible for Statutory Maternity Pay and leaves based on certain criteria.

Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) and Leave is payable to an employee who meets the eligibility rules.

The following predefined formulas are used:
  1. UK Maternity Absence Entitlement (ORA_HRX_GB_MAT_ENTITLEMENT) – This formula performs the following checks:
    • The leave is in blocks of 7 days. If a week is not taken in full, no payment is made for that week, and the relevant certification is generated.
    • The employee is employed in the qualifying week.
    • The employee has been employed for more than 26 weeks.
    • The maximum weeks have not been paid.
    • The employee has reached or exceeded the Lower Earnings Limit (LEL).

    If any of these checks fail, the application creates the appropriate certification. Otherwise, it calculates the employee’s entitlement to SMP.

  2. UK Maternity Absence Validation (ORA_HRX_GB_MAT_VALIDATION) – This formula validates the maternity leave start date. This date must not be earlier than 11 weeks before the baby is due, unless the baby is born earlier.