Void Absence Certifications

Automatically generated certifications might need to be voided at times, so that the application does not process it.

Perform the following steps to void a certification:
  1. In the My Client Groups work area, select Absences > Absence Records.
  2. From the list of direct reports, select the name of the relevant person.
  3. In the Manage Absences and Entitlements page, in the Existing Absences section, click the Actions list against the relevant absence record.
  4. Select Administer.
  5. In the Absence Administration page, select the Action Items tab. This displays a list of certifications for that absence, if available.
  6. Select the certification, click Edit.
  7. Select Void from the list of actions.
  8. Click Save and Close.


The certification now displays the date in the voided column of the administration section. This certification is no longer relevant and will be ignored while processing.