Apply Row Limit on Benefits Dashboard Counts

Here’s how you enable the lookup code to set the maximum row limit:

Steps to set the maximum row limit
  1. Select the Manage Common Lookups task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Create a lookup type with these details:
    • Meaning: Benefits Dashboard Row Limit
    • Module: Benefits Repository
  4. Add a new row in the Lookup Codes section.
  5. Enter MAX_ROW_LIMIT as the Lookup Code.
  6. . Add a new row in the Lookup Codes section.
  7. Select the Enabled check box.
  8. Enter the row limit in the Meaning column. The maximum value used for limiting the row counts is 50000.
  9. Click Save. When you create and enable the MAX_ROW_LIMIT lookup code, you see a plus sign (+) next to the person count if the row count exceeds the maximum limit you set.