Overview of the My Dashboard Page

Administrators can use the My Dashboard page to see at a glance the list of tasks they need to perform.

For example, you can quickly get to know how many people have life events that need manual intervention, and how many people have pending actions. You can get to the details from the activity counts, or even jump to a specific person's benefits summary to do person-related benefits tasks.

To get to the My Dashboard page, on the Home page, click Benefits Administration, and then click Enrollment.

How You Adjust the Timeline

By default, benefits activities that happened in the current week appear. You can change the timeline by choosing to view activities in the current month, the next 3 months into the future, or the last 3 months in the past.

How You Learn More About Benefits Activities

You can use the My Dashboard page to see at a glance the list of tasks you need to perform. For instance, you see that 10 people have pending actions. If you want to learn more about this activity count, simply click the activity link to access a page to see those persons that have the pending actions. Then, click the person's name to open their benefits summary. On that page, you can check the scorecard to know how many pending actions the person has. For example, 10 pending actions. Click the count to open a page that tells you the specific action item that's pending.

How You View the Benefits Summary for a Specific Person

If you want to open the benefits summary of a specific person, enter the name, or person number, or any other keyword, such as an email address, in the Search for a Person box. If the person record exists, you should see the person record appear in the results below the box. Click the person's name to open their Benefits Summary page.