Budget Worksheet Actions

Here's a comprehensive list of the budget worksheet actions. They apply to all of your subordinate managers, direct reports and otherwise. You can apply some or all of them depending on the worksheet setup and your role.

Action Location Description
Access Level Actions menu Set the access level, such as no access, no updates allowed, or updates allowed, for all rows of the worksheet.
Access Level Worksheet row Set the access level, such as no access, no updates allowed, or updates allowed, for that row of the worksheet.
View Audit Trail Actions menu View any changes made for the person selected on the worksheet and any related budget changes. Or view the changes you made to the worksheet. You can also export this data to a spreadsheet using the icon on the search results toolbar.
View Currency Conversion Rates Actions menu View the source currency and all of the currencies and conversion rates applied to amounts on the worksheet. Also see the effective date for the conversion rates.
Publish to Managers Publish to Managers menu

Specify whether to publish or unpublish the budgets for the selected managers or all of your direct subordinate managers. Or, publish using both options. For example, you select a subordinate manager to get a budget now. Then you publish the rest of the budget to all your other subordinate managers later.

When you publish to all managers, you're publishing to all of your direct subordinate managers. They would then publish budgets for their direct subordinate managers, on down the hierarchy until the manager has only individuals reporting to them. Those managers allocate their budget directly to their people.

Models Toolbar Create, open, or apply a model and use it to publish the budget. A later chapter covers these actions.
Note: When you use the tree view on the worksheet, you won't see the simple export option if your team has more than 500 members. You also won't see the options to expand or collapse all.

No Budget

If you don't have a budget, you can't make any allocations.

Zero Budget

If the budget is 0, then you have no budget but you can still make allocations. Any allocations you make show as negative values against the available budget.