Compensation and Promotion Worksheet Actions

Here's a comprehensive list of the compensation and promotion worksheet actions. They apply to the people listed on the worksheet. On compensation worksheets, you can change the people using the team switcher on the toolbar.

For example, you're a manager and you change the people from your direct reports to the people two levels down. You can also search for specific people by name. You can apply some or all of the actions depending on the worksheet setup and your role.

Action Location Description
Rank Workers Actions menu Clear all of the rankings for the entire worksheet. The action first saves any changes that you made to the worksheet so it doesn't lose them when it clears all ranking.
Reassign Workers to Another Manager Actions menu Reassign the selected people to another manager's worksheet so that the assigned manager can allocate their compensation. For example, you have someone who recently joined your team from another organization. You want their previous manager to make suggestions for this compensation cycle. That manager's submitted plan changes include the reassigned people. They disappear from your plan.

Manage Delegations

Actions menu

Temporarily grant another manager access to someone who doesn't report to them or fall within their reporting hierarchy. For example, delegate someone who works for you in a different location, to another manager who also works at that location. The delegated person remains in your plan and the other manager can suggest, but can't submit allocations.

  • The other manager can't see your plan tasks, such as approval and communication tasks. Nor can they see any reassignments or eligibility changes for the person you delegate to them. And that manager can't include the delegated person in any exports to Excel, budgeting, modeling, or reporting.
  • You can see the other manager's suggestions and you make the final allocations and submit the delegated person on your worksheet.

You can also use delegation to create a separate worksheet to manage a distinct set of your own workers.

Request Eligibility Change Actions menu Submit a request to change the eligibility status of the selected people from eligible to ineligible or ineligible to eligible. The request can apply to all components linked to the workforce compensation plan. Or you can request to the change to apply to specific components.
Compare Salary History Actions menu Compare salary history for the selected people, such as their cumulative and average growth rates over 5 and 10 years. Cumulative growth shows the total percentage change over the period. Average growth shows the total percentage change divided by the number of years in the period.
View Audit Trail Actions menu View any changes made for the person selected in the worksheet or the entire team and any related budget changes. Information includes the updated column and component, the original and new values, and the update time and date. It also includes the name of the person who made the update. You can also export this data to a spreadsheet using the icon on the search results toolbar.
View Currency Conversion Rates Actions menu View the source currency and all of the currencies and conversion rates applied to amounts on the worksheet. Also see the effective date for the conversion rates.
Configure Workbook Actions menu Identify the columns where people can update the values. For example, they can update the merit amount and stock option shares granted or the merit or bonus percentages, but not both.
Models Toolbar Create, open, or apply a model to use to allocate compensation or promotions. These actions are covered in another chapter.
Proposed Job Row Propose a new job for the person.
Proposed Grade Row Propose a new grade for the person.

You can use the person's eligibility information to determine if they qualify for a promotion. You can use header analytics to compare the person you want to promote with the rest of the team. And you can use the analytics to evaluate how all of the proposed promotions look across your team before you submit your plan changes.

Note: When you use the tree view on the worksheet, you won't see the simple export option if your team has more than 500 members. You also won't see the options to expand or collapse all.

Apply Targets

The Apply Targets action is on the toolbar of only compensation worksheets. You can use this action to apply the values in the selected target columns to corresponding compensation columns. You can apply these targets for the selected people, your direct reports, or your entire team. When you apply the targets, you permanently override any existing compensation values. You can't undo the override.