End-of-Year Processing for Canada

At the end of every tax year, as a Canadian employer, comply with these statutory requirements:

  • Submit to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) the following federal year-end slips, if applicable:

    • T4: Statement of Remuneration Paid

    • T4A: Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income

  • If you operate in the province of Quebec, submit to Revenu Québec these year-end slips, if applicable:

    • RL-1: Employment and Other Income

    • RL-2: Retirement and Annuity Income

Submit these year-end slips to your employees for tax filing purposes.

Note: During a reporting year, if you haven't paid any earnings reported on any of the year-end slips, then you need not submit that particular year-end slip.

The tax reporting year is January, 01 through December, 31. All payrolls or balance adjustments with a payment date during that time frame are included in the year-end slip for that year.

The end-of-year processing for Canada consists of multiple steps, which you must complete in the correct order.

End-of-year processing includes these activities:

  1. Configuring end-of-year reporting

    Before beginning your end-of-year reporting, complete these operations:

    • Configuration for Quebec

    • Tax reporting unit (TRU) setup

    • Element setup

    • Year-end balance feeds

  2. Archive end-of-year payroll results

    Use the Archive End-of-Year Payroll Results process to retrieve employee and employer information, including employee balances in a given year for a payroll statutory unit (PSU) and TRU. The Archive End-of-Year Payroll Results process archives the data for year-end reporting.

  3. Validate the year-end slips data

    Before you generate the year-end slips, ensure that the slips don't contain any errors or missing information. Generate the End-of-Year Exception Report for each slip to review and correct any errors or discrepancies in transmitter, employer and employee data. If data corrections are required, correct the data and run the exception report to check if the exceptions reported earlier are resolved. Continue repeating the process of rollback and rerun of the archive process until all errors are resolved.

  4. Perform year-end payroll reconciliation

    Before you use the archived payroll results data to generate the year-end slips, review and validate the results data for each slip.

    Generate the end-of-year register report to review and validate the results data for each slip. Compare this data against the archived data to assist in reconciling your periodic payrolls and year-end balances. If changes are required, perform balance adjustments and if required, modify employee and employer data.

    For more information, refer to the Payroll Reconciliation document at the Information Center: Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management for Canada: (Document ID 2102586.2) on My Oracle Support.

  5. Resolve any balance errors detected

    • For information about adjusting balances detected by this process, refer to the Balance Adjustments document at the Information Center: Oracle Human Capital Management for Canada: (Document ID 2102586.2) on My Oracle Support.

    • For information about mass balance adjustments, refer to the Batch Balance Adjustments document at the Information Center: Oracle Human Capital Management for Canada: (Document ID 2102586.2) on My Oracle Support.

  6. Generate the year-end slips and interfaces