Balances to Initialize for Mexico

The Mexico Legislative Balances are what Oracle Payroll Cloud uses to perform accurate tax reporting and payroll tax calculations.

Mexico Balances

Oracle HCM Cloud requires several balances in order to perform crucial calculations pertaining to an employee for earnings and statutory deductions, like tax and social insurance, benefits, pensions, etc.

A list of balances you must consider follows. The dimension information refers to the following predefined balance dimensions:

  • Year to Date: Relationship Tax Unit Year to Date
  • Period to Date: Relationship Tax Unit Period to Date
  • Month to Date: Relationship Tax Unit Month to Date
  • Bi-Month to Date: Relationship Tax two Months to Date

Employee Tax Credits

Balance Year to Date Period to Date Month to Date Bi-Month to Date
ISR Subsidy For Employment Paid Regular Yes Yes N/A Yes

Employer Charges

Balance Year to Date Period to Date Month to Date Bi-Month to Date
Additional Quota ER Yes Yes N/A N/A
Benefits in Cash ER Yes Yes N/A N/A
Benefits in Species ER Yes Yes N/A N/A
Day Care Centers ER Yes Yes N/A N/A
Disability and Death ER Yes Yes N/A N/A
Disease and Maternity ER Yes Yes N/A N/A
Fixed Quota ER Yes Yes N/A N/A
Pensioners Medical Expenses ER Yes Yes N/A N/A
Retirement ER Yes Yes N/A N/A
Separation due to Age ER Yes Yes N/A N/A
Work Risk Incident ER Yes Yes N/A N/A


Balance Year to Date Period to Date Month to Date Bi-Month to Date
Fiscal Arrears Yes Yes N/A N/A


Balance Year to Date Period to Date Month to Date Bi-Month to Date
Eligible Days for Fixed Earnings Yes Yes N/A Yes
Eligible Worked Days for Profit Sharing Yes Yes N/A N/A
Fixed Earnings Yes Yes N/A Yes
ISR Exempt Yes Yes N/A Yes
ISR Subject Yes Yes N/A Yes
ISR Subject for Severance Yes Yes N/A N/A
ISR Subject NonPeriodic Yes Yes N/A N/A
ISR Subsidy for Employment Yes Yes N/A Yes
ISR Subsidy for Employment Paid Yes Yes N/A Yes
ISR Withheld Yes Yes N/A N/A
ISR NonWorking Days Yes Yes N/A Yes
Reduce Regular Absence Days Yes Yes N/A Yes
Reduce Regular Absence Earnings Yes Yes N/A Yes
Reduce Regular Absence Hours Yes Yes N/A Yes
Reduce Regular Days Yes Yes N/A Yes
Reduce Regular Earnings N/A N/A N/A N/A
Reduce Regular Hours N/A N/A N/A N/A
Severance Variable Basis Eligible Compensation Yes Yes N/A N/A
Exempt for Severance Earnings Yes Yes N/A N/A
Subject for Severance Earnings Yes Yes N/A N/A
Severance Fixed Basis Eligible Compensation Yes Yes N/A N/A
Mexico Sickness statutory balance Yes Yes N/A N/A
Social Foresight Earnings Yes Yes N/A N/A
Mexico Social Foresight Earnings statutory balance Yes Yes N/A N/A
Average SDI Yes Yes N/A N/A
State tax exempt for bi-month tax rule Yes Yes Yes Yes
State tax full exempt Yes Yes N/A N/A
State tax full subject Yes Yes N/A N/A
Exempt for State Social Foresight Earnings Yes Yes N/A Yes
Subject for State Social Foresight Earnings Yes Yes N/A Yes
Variable Earnings Yes Yes Yes Yes


Balance Year to Date Period to Date Month to Date Bi-Month to Date
Days Basis of Quotation 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Days Basis of Quotation 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Days Basis of Quotation 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes


Balance Year to Date Period to Date Month to Date Bi-Month to Date
INFONAVIT Social Security Yes Yes N/A Yes
Additional Quota Social Security Max Basis Yes Yes N/A Yes
Benefits in Cash Social Security Max Basis Yes Yes N/A Yes
Benefits in Species Social Security Max Basis Yes Yes N/A Yes
Day Care Centers Social Security Max Basis Yes Yes N/A Yes
Disability and Death Social Security Max Basis Yes Yes N/A Yes
Disease and Maternity Social Security Max Basis Yes Yes N/A Yes
Fixed Quota Social Security Max Basis Yes Yes N/A Yes
Pensioners Medical Expenses Social Security Max Basis Yes Yes N/A Yes
Retirement Social Security Max Basis Yes Yes N/A Yes
Separation due to Age Social Security Max Basis Yes Yes N/A Yes
Work Risk Incident Social Security Max Basis Yes Yes N/A Yes


Balance Year to Date Period to Date Month to Date Bi-Month to Date
ISR Subsidy For Employment Regular Yes Yes N/A Yes


Balance Year to Date Period to Date Month to Date Bi-Month to Date
Absences Yes Yes Yes Yes
Maternity Yes Yes Yes Yes
Other Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sickness Yes Yes Yes Yes
Vacation Yes Yes Yes Yes


Balance Year to Date Period to Date Month to Date Bi-Month to Date
Severance Earnings Yes Yes N/A N/A
Severance Indemnity Earnings Yes Yes N/A N/A
Severance Seniority Premium Earnings Yes Yes N/A N/A

Social Insurance Deductions

Balance Year to Date Period to Date Month to Date Bi-Month to Date
Additional Quota EE Yes Yes N/A N/A
Benefits in Species EE Yes Yes N/A N/A
Day Care Centers EE Yes Yes N/A N/A
Fixed Quota EE Yes Yes N/A N/A
Pensioners Medical Expenses EE Yes Yes N/A N/A
Retirement EE Yes Yes N/A N/A
Separation due to Age EE Yes Yes N/A N/A
Work Risk Incident EE Yes Yes N/A N/A

Tax Deductions

Balance Year to Date Period to Date Month to Date Bi-Month to Date
ISR Severance Yes Yes N/A N/A
ISR NonPeriodic Yes Yes N/A N/A
ISR Regular Yes Yes N/A Yes

Tax Earnings

Balance Year to Date Period to Date Month to Date Bi-Month to Date
Gross Earnings Yes Yes Yes Yes

Profit Sharing

The Profit Sharing payment is paid to employees in May following the year that profit sharing was calculated for. For example, the 2022 fiscal year profit sharing will be paid in May 2023.

The previous three years Profit Sharing payments are used to calculate the payment cap. To calculate the 2022 fiscal year profit sharing, the employee’s 2019, 2020 and 2021 profit sharing payments are used.

To ensure the accuracy of the Mexico profit sharing calculation, you will need to initialise or adjust these profit sharing balances.

Balance Dimension
Mexico Profit Sharing statutory balance Relationship NoCB Year to Date
Eligible Compensation for Profit Sharing Relationship NoCB Year to Date
Eligible Worked Days for Profit Sharing Relationship NoCB Year to Date

Other Balances

Depending on your requirements you should also consider initializing the following:

  • Run balances, if your project has a go-live date that falls in the middle of a payroll period.
  • Inception to date balances needed by your organization
  • User defined balances.
Note: When initializing Inception to Date balances, the Payroll referenced in the batch must exist in the previous year and have payroll periods defined for that previous year (because the process will attempt to create a balance initialization in the previous year).