Example of Initializing Balances for Tax Calculation for China

In this example, you create balance initialization records to initialize the balances required for tax calculation

Load the Initialize Balance Batch Header

Use the InitializeBalanceBatchHeader.dat file to create the batch header.

MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchHeader|A-ZHRX-CN-DD-LDG1|2024 Balance Initialization 3|2024/03/31

Load the Initialize Balance Batch Lines

Use the InitializeBalanceBatchLine.dat file to load the balance initialization lines defined :

MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|A-ZHRX-CN-DD-LDG1|2024 Balance Initialization 3|1|2024/03/31|123457197|ET123457197|LL Monthly Payroll No Offset|ZHRX-CN-DD-LRU-BJ1|Regular Tax Income|Relationship, Tax Unit, and Year to Date|30000
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|A-ZHRX-CN-DD-LDG1|2024 Balance Initialization 3|2|2024/03/31|123457197|ET123457197|LL Monthly Payroll No Offset|ZHRX-CN-DD-LRU-BJ1|Regular Tax Tax Base|Relationship, Tax Unit, and Year to Date|30000
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|A-ZHRX-CN-DD-LDG1|2024 Balance Initialization 3|3|2024/03/31|123457197|ET123457197|LL Monthly Payroll No Offset|ZHRX-CN-DD-LRU-BJ1|Regular Tax Nontaxable Income|Relationship, Tax Unit, and Year to Date|3000
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|A-ZHRX-CN-DD-LDG1|2024 Balance Initialization 3|4|2024/03/31|123457197|ET123457197|LL Monthly Payroll No Offset|ZHRX-CN-DD-LRU-BJ1|Regular Tax Taxable Income|Relationship, Tax Unit, and Year to Date|27000
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|A-ZHRX-CN-DD-LDG1|2024 Balance Initialization 3|5|2024/03/31|123457197|ET123457197|LL Monthly Payroll No Offset|ZHRX-CN-DD-LRU-BJ1|Taxable Benefits 2|Relationship, Tax Unit, and Year to Date|-4500
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|A-ZHRX-CN-DD-LDG1|2024 Balance Initialization 3|6|2024/03/31|123457197|ET123457197|LL Monthly Payroll No Offset|ZHRX-CN-DD-LRU-BJ1|Regular Tax Reduced Taxable Income|Relationship, Tax Unit, and Year to Date|22500
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|A-ZHRX-CN-DD-LDG1|2024 Balance Initialization 3|7|2024/03/31|123457197|ET123457197|LL Monthly Payroll No Offset|ZHRX-CN-DD-LRU-BJ1|Regular Tax Tax Payable|Relationship, Tax Unit, and Year to Date|225
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|A-ZHRX-CN-DD-LDG1|2024 Balance Initialization 3|8|2024/03/31|123457197|ET123457197|LL Monthly Payroll No Offset|ZHRX-CN-DD-LRU-BJ1|Regular Tax Reduced Tax Payable|Relationship, Tax Unit, and Year to Date|225
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|A-ZHRX-CN-DD-LDG1|2024 Balance Initialization 3|9|2024/03/31|123457197|ET123457197|LL Monthly Payroll No Offset|ZHRX-CN-DD-LRU-BJ1|Regular Tax Pay Value|Relationship, Tax Unit, and Year to Date|225

In the following example a number of balances for tax calculation are initialized.

The employee is identified by their payroll relationship number, employment terms number, payroll name and tax unit name, which needs to be specified in each balance line.

Attribute Value
PayrollRelationshipNumber 123457197
TermNumber ET123457197
PayrollName LL Monthly No Offset

Load these details to initialize the Regular Tax Income to 30000:

Attribute Value
BalanceName Regular Tax Income
DimensionName Relationship, Tax Unit, and Year to Date
Value 30000

Load these details to initialize the Regular Tax Tax Base to 30000:

Attribute Value
BalanceName Regular Tax Tax Base
DimensionName Relationship, Tax Unit, and Year to Date
Value 30000

Load these details to initialize the Regular Tax Nontaxable Income to 3000:

Attribute Value
BalanceName Regular Tax Nontaxable Income
DimensionName Relationship, Tax Unit, and Year to Date
Value 3000

Load these details to initialize the Regular Tax Taxable Income to 27000:

Attribute Value
BalanceName Regular Tax Taxable Income
DimensionName Relationship, Tax Unit, and Year to Date
Value 27000

Load these details to initialize the Taxable Benefits to -4500:

Attribute Value
BalanceName Taxable Benefits
DimensionName Relationship, Tax Unit, and Year to Date
Value -4500

Load these details to initialize the Regular Tax Taxable Income to 225000:

Attribute Value
BalanceName Regular Tax Taxable Income
DimensionName Relationship, Tax Unit, and Year to Date
Value 22500

Load these details to initialize the Regular Tax Tax Payable to 225:

Attribute Value
BalanceName Regular Tax Tax Payable
DimensionName Relationship, Tax Unit, and Year to Date
Value 225

Load these details to initialize the Regular Tax Reduced Tax Payable to 225:

Attribute Value
BalanceName Regular Tax Reduced Tax Payable
DimensionName Relationship, Tax Unit, and Year to Date
Value 225

Load these details to initialize the Regular Tax Pay Value to 225:

Attribute Value
BalanceName Regular Tax Pay Value
DimensionName Relationship, Tax Unit, and Year to Date
Value 225