Example of Initializing Employee Balances for Mexico

In this example, you create balance initialization records to initialize an employee’s Fixed Earnings and Profit Sharing related balances.

Load the Initialize Balance Batch Header

Use the InitializeBalanceBatchHeader.dat file to create the batch header.

MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchHeader|MX LDG|MX Balance Initialization|2023/02/28

Load the Initialize Balance Batch Lines

In the following example a number of balances are being initialized for the same employee. The employee is identified by their payroll relationship number, employment terms number and assignment number.

Attribute Value
PayrollRelationshipNumber 192051
TermNumber ET192051
AssignmentNumber E192051

The employee’s payroll, legal employer and tax reporting unit must also be specified on every initialize balance line

Attribute Value
PayrollName MX Monthly
LegalEmployerName MX Legal Employer
TaxUnitName MX Tax Reporting Unit

Load these details to initialize the Fixed Earnings Balance to 12000:

Attribute Value
LineSequence 1
BalanceName Fixed Earnings
DimensionName Relationship Tax Unit Month to Date
Value 12000

Load these details to initialize the Eligible Days for the Fixed Earnings Balance to 23:

Attribute Value
LineSequence 2
BalanceName Eligible Days for Fixed Earnings
DimensionName Relationship Tax Unit Month to Date
Value 23

Load these details to initialize the Eligible Worked Days for Profit Sharing balance to 23:

Attribute Value
LineSequence 3
BalanceName Eligible Worked Days for Profit Sharing
DimensionName Relationship Tax Unit Month to Date
Value 23

Load these details to initialize the Eligible Compensation for Profit Sharing balance to 3000:

Attribute Value
LineSequence 4
BalanceName Eligible Compensation for Profit Sharing
DimensionName Relationship Tax Unit Month to Date
Value 3000

Use the InitializeBalanceBatchLine.dat file to load the balance initialization lines defined above:

MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|MX LDG|MX Balance Initialization|2023/02/28|1|192051|ET192051|E192051|MX Legal Employer|MX Monthly|MX Tax Reporting Unit|Fixed Earnings|Relationship Tax Unit Month to Date|12000
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|MX LDG|MX Balance Initialization|2023/02/28|2|192051|ET192051|E192051|MX Legal Employer|MX Monthly|MX Tax Reporting Unit|Eligible Days for Fixed Earnings|Relationship Tax Unit Month to Date|23
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|MX LDG|MX Balance Initialization|2023/02/28|3|192051|ET192051|E192051|MX Legal Employer|MX Monthly|MX Tax Reporting Unit|Eligible Worked Days for Profit Sharing|Relationship Tax Unit Month to Date|23
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|MX LDG|MX Balance Initialization|2023/02/28|4|192051|ET192051|E192051|MX Legal Employer|MX Monthly|MX Tax Reporting Unit|Eligible Compensation for Profit Sharing|Relationship Tax Unit Month to Date|3000
Note: When initializing specific balances, you may also need to initialize any related balances. This is simply an example to illustrate the process.