Examples of Loading an Allocated Checklist

This topic shows how to load an allocated checklist using HCM Data Loader.

Allocating Only Checklist Template

A checklist can be allocated by providing only the checklist template details and person details. You don't need to provide all task details, as the details are retrieved from the checklist template definition. This is the preferred option for bulk allocation.

Note: HDL is run using an elevated mode with FUSION_APPS_HCM_ESS_APP_ID as user. This isn't related to any person. InitiatorPersonNumber is an alternative that's similar to the option on the user interface and can be used to determine the initiator.

This example AllocateChecklist.dat file allocates a checklist template using user keys. InitiatorPersonNumber will need to be passed in case the performer or owner is the Initiator.

METADATA|AllocateChecklist|PersonNumber|ChecklistName|ChecklistInstance|ChecklistCategory|Country|TemplateChecklistName|TemplateChecklistCategory MERGE|AllocateChecklist|8153762|Envision Offboard|1|Off Boarding||Envision Offboard|Off Boarding

This example AllocatedChecklist.dat file allocates the checklist and creates all child components as defined in the checklist template using source keys.

MERGE|AllocateChecklist|VISION|ALLOC-8153812|8153812|Onboarding Checklist|8153812|ONBOARD|United States|||Onboarding Checklist01

Creating an Enterprise Onboarding Allocated Checklist

This example AllocateChecklist.dat file allocates an enterprise onboarding checklist using user keys. You create an Enterprise Onboarding checklist using a three-step process.

Note: Since this isn't auto-allocation there is no reference to the checklist template.

Step 1: Create Step Checklist and Tasks

COMMENT - PASS1 Create Step Checklists and corresponding tasks.
MERGE|AllocateChecklist|Vision Enterprise Onboarding Step|ORA_ONB_ENT_ONBOARDING_STEP|United States|1|INI|7109026|N|8153756
MERGE|AllocateChecklistTask|Apply for credit card|Vision Enterprise Onboarding Step|ORA_ONB_ENT_ONBOARDING_STEP|United States|1|7109026|N|INI|8153757|8153757|ORA_CHK_MANUAL|ORA_ADHOC_USER|ORA_CHK_ADHOC_USER|8153756

Step 2: Create Enterprise Onboarding Master Checklist and Link to Step Checklist

COMMENT - PASS2 Create Enterprise Onboarding and its related artifacts.
MERGE|AllocateChecklist|Vision Enterprise Onboarding|United States|ORA_ONB_ENT_ONBOARDING|1|INI||7109026|Test Enterprise Onboarding|N|2020/01/01 00:00:00|2020/01/01 00:00:00|2020/01/01 00:00:00|8153756
COMMENT - TASK in Enterprise Onboarding corresponding to Step Checklist Created in PASS1
MERGE|AllocateChecklistTask|First 30 days|Vision Enterprise Onboarding|United States|ORA_ONB_ENT_ONBOARDING|1|7109026|Desc Task parent|Y|Vision Enterprise Onboarding Step|ORA_ONB_ENT_ONBOARDING_STEP|United States|1|||||ORA_CHK_CHECKLIST||INI

Step 3: Update Task Details in Enterprise Onboarding Step Checklist

MERGE|AllocateChecklist|Vision Enterprise Onboarding Step|ORA_ONB_ENT_ONBOARDING_STEP|United States|1|INI|7109026|N|8153756
MERGE|AllocateChecklistTask|Apply for credit card|Vision Enterprise Onboarding Step|ORA_ONB_ENT_ONBOARDING_STEP|United States|1|7109026|N|INI|8153757|8153757|ORA_CHK_MANUAL|ORA_ADHOC_USER|ORA_CHK_ADHOC_USER|8153756|Vision Enterprise Onboarding|ORA_ONB_ENT_ONBOARDING|United States|1

Creating Other Category Allocated Checklists

This example AllocateChecklist.dat file allocates other category checklists using user keys.

MERGE|AllocateChecklist|Envision Offboard|OFFBOARD|United States|1|INI|7109026|N|8153756
MERGE|AllocateChecklistTask|Submit Badge to Admin|Envision Offboard|OFFBOARD|United States|1|7109026|N|INI|8153757|8153757|ORA_CHK_MANUAL|ORA_ADHOC_USER|ORA_CHK_ADHOC_USER|8153756
Note: The Checklist Mass Allocation object doesn't allocate a checklist. The object is used to create the population for mass assigning journeys and allocating scheduled journeys. Mass assigning of journeys currently supports only the person, team, or organization assignment. However, if a user has a custom population, they can use the Checklist Mass Allocation object to create the population and then run the Allocate Scheduled Journeys or Mass Assign Journeys ESS process to actually allocate the journey.

Adding a Task to an Allocated Checklist

This example AllocatedChecklist.dat file creates a task in an allocated checklist. You need to enter the AbsAllocatedChecklist attribute details in the .dat file so that the tasks created from HDL are displayed in the Journeys UI.

For example, this is an AllocatedChecklist.dat file with the AbsAllocatedChecklist attribute details included:
MERGE|AllocateChecklistTask|Apply for credit card|Onboarding Checklist|US|ONBOARD|1|2304617|Apply for a corporate credit card|Y|INI|2304644|2308991|ORA_CHK_MANUAL|ORA_WORKER|ORA_CHK_INITIATOR|Onboarding Checklist|ONBOARD|1
Here are the reasons why you need to also enter the AbsAllocatedChecklist attribute details:
  • To improve performance and avoid traversing the hierarchy, these columns are used to derive the topmost checklist of which the task is part of.
  • For normal checklists, it is the same as what you enter for ChecklistName|ChecklistCategory|ChecklistInstance.
  • For a task in a step checklist, it is the allocatedchecklist ID for the Enterprise Onboarding Checklist. If you're adding a task to an Enterprise Onboarding Step checklist, you need to give details of the step for ChecklistName|ChecklistCategory|ChecklistInstance. However, you need to give the Parent Enterprise Onboarding Template details for AbsAllocatedChecklistName|AbsAllocatedChecklistCategory|AbsAllocatedChecklistInstance.
  • The AbsAllocatedChecklistInstance and ChecklistInstance attributes should have the same value.

Modifying a Task in an Allocated Checklist

This example AllocatedChecklist.dat file updates task attributes such as the status, performer, and owner of an allocated task. Updating the task performer using HDL is similar to reassigning the task to another person in the user interface.

MERGE|AllocateChecklistTask|Apply for credit card|Onboarding Checklist|United States|ONBOARD|1|2304617|Apply for a corporate credit card|Y|SUS|2304644|2308991|ORA_CHK_MANUAL|ORA_WORKER|ORA_CHK_INITIATOR

Setting Display Properties for an Allocated Checklist and Allocated Task

This example AllocateChecklist.dat file sets the display properties for an allocated checklist and allocated task.


MERGE|AllocateChecklistTask|Collect laptop|CHK_Test_HDL|ONBOARD|1|8153757|Y|INI|ORA_CHK_MANUAL


MERGE|AllocateChecklistTaskProperty|CHK_Test_HDL|ONBOARD|1|8153757|ORA_ACTION_REASSIGN|Collect laptop|Show|Show|Show|Show
MERGE|AllocateChecklistTaskProperty|CHK_Test_HDL|ONBOARD|1|8153757|ORA_ACTION_EDIT_DUE_DATE|Collect laptop|Show|Show|Hide|Hide

Deleting a Task in an Allocated Checklist

This example AllocatedTask.dat file deletes a task in an allocated checklist.

DELETE|AllocateChecklistTask|Apply for credit card|Onboarding Checklist|ONBOARD|1|8153757

You can delete an allocated checklist. When you delete an allocated checklist, all associated components are also deleted. This example AllocateChecklist.dat file deletes an allocated checklist and all its associated objects.

DELETE|AllocateChecklist|Onboarding Checklist|ONBOARD|1|8153757

Mass Allocate Checklist and Generate Notification

You can use the Checklist Mass Allocation HDL business object to mass allocate a checklist for employees and generate a notification for the same.

This example ChecklistMassAllocation.dat file creates a mass allocation object with the list of employees.

MERGE|ChecklistMassAllocation|HDL Mass Allocation|HDL Mass Allocation|HDL_MASS_ALLOC_VISION_CORP|Annual review journey|6145367|mass assign journey to all employees in Vision Corporation|ORA_CHK_ACTIVE|ADHOC|2024/01/10

This example ChecklistMassAllocationCriteria.dat file creates a mass allocation criteria object with the list of employees.


After the objects are created, you need to navigate to Tools > Scheduled Processes and run the Mass Assign Journey process by using the ChecklistMassAllocation identifier used in the ChecklistMassAllocation.dat file. In this example, the HDL_MASS_ALLOC_VISION_CORP identifier is used.