Examples of Loading Assignment Eligible Jobs

For any worker assignment, you can identify additional jobs for which the worker is eligible. You can use this feature for workers who must report time for the additional jobs, for example.

You can also use it simply to track the additional jobs of workers who have multiple jobs. This topic provides examples showing how to create and update Assignment Eligible Job components of the Worker object using HCM Data Loader.

Before you load Assignment Eligible Job components:

  • The assignment job must exist in the target environment.

  • The job family must exist in the target environment if the relief type is Derived.

    Relief type can be either Manual or Derived.

    • When the relief type is Derived, you can add jobs belonging to the job family of the worker's assignment only. You can specify the ReliefType value using either the meaning Derived or the lookup code ORA_D.

    • When the relief type is Manual, you can add any job. You must specify ManualRate and Frequency values. You can specify the ReliefType value using either the meaning Manual or the lookup code ORA_M.

Also, the start date of the eligible job must not be before the assignment start date.

You load assignment eligible jobs data in the Worker.dat file for processing by HCM Data Loader. You can verify this data on the Manage Eligible Jobs page for a selected worker.

Creating Assignment Eligible Jobs

This example Worker.dat file creates an assignment eligible job for a worker using source keys. ReliefType is Manual.


This example Worker.dat file creates an assignment eligible job for a worker using source keys. ReliefType is Derived.


This example Worker.dat file creates assignment eligible jobs for a worker using user keys. ReliefType is Manual. The user key attributes for this component are AssignmentNumber, JobCode, BusinessUnitShortCode, and EffectiveStartDate.

MERGE|AssignmentEligibleJob|TEST_ASG_ut0001|JOBOPMANCORE|2000/04/01|2000/01/01|Vision Corporation Enterprise|Manual|11.7|Hourly

Updating Assignment Eligible Jobs

You can update only the value of the ToDate attribute of an assignment eligible job. This example Worker.dat file updates a worker's assignment eligible job using source keys.

MERGE|AssignmentEligibleJob|1031101972|JOBOPMANCORE|2001/04/01|2000/01/01|Vision Corporation Enterprise|VISION|TEST_RC_ut0001|Manual|11.7|Hourly

This example Worker.dat file updates a worker's assignment eligible job using user keys.

MERGE|AssignmentEligibleJob|TEST_ASG_ut0001|JOBOPMANCORE|2001/04/01|2000/01/01|Vision Corporation Enterprise|Manual|11.7|Hourly