Guidelines for Loading Seniority Dates

A seniority date is the date on which the calculation of a worker's length of service with the enterprise is based. A worker's status, rank, or entitlement to benefits may depend on his or her seniority.

The seniority date can be based on the worker's time in a particular entity, such as a legal employer or job. Therefore, you can configure seniority rules based on values including collective agreement, country, department, enterprise, grade, job, legal employer, location, position, and union. This topic describes some factors that affect how you load seniority dates using HCM Data Loader.

Versions of the Seniority Dates Functionality

Three versions of the seniority dates functionality, referred to as V1, V2, and V3, exist. The following table identifies:

  • The user interface task that you use to manage each version

  • Whether you can update the seniority dates for each version using HCM Data Loader


User Interface Task

Update Using HCM Data Loader

Worker Component


Manage Work Relationship

Note: You can update only the enterprise and legal employer seniority dates.


Work Relationship


Manage Seniority Dates, without fast formula support


Not applicable


Manage Seniority Dates, with fast formula support


Seniority Date

Note: After you migrate to V3 seniority dates, you can't use either V1 or V2. Therefore, you can't load seniority dates on the Work Relationship component. This topic applies to V3 seniority dates.

For more information, see the document Seniority Dates - Comparison between Different Seniority Dates Versions ( on Customer Connect.

Running the Calculate Seniority Dates Process

You can update but not create V3 seniority records for workers using HCM Data Loader. You must run the Calculate Seniority Dates process to create default seniority records for workers, based on configured seniority date rules, before you update them. After updating seniority records using HCM Data Loader, you can verify them for a worker on the Manage Seniority Dates page.

Required Attributes

The following table identifies attribute values that you must include in the Seniority Date component of the Worker object to associate it with a seniority date rule. These requirements depend on the level at which the seniority date rule is configured.

Level of Seniority Date Rule

Required Attributes

Work relationship

One of:

  • PeriodOfServiceId

  • LegalEmployerName, DateStart, and WorkerType


One of:

  • AssignmentId

  • AssignmentNumber


One of:

  • PersonId

  • PersonNumber

Updating Seniority Dates Using Source Keys

As you can't create V3 seniority records using HCM Data Loader, they have default source keys where the source-system owner is FUSION. Therefore, to update seniority dates using source keys, you must:

  • Extract their default source keys using the HCM extract Integration Object User Key Extract.

  • Update them using the Source Key object so that all source-key references for a single Seniority Date component have the same source-system owner.