Guidelines for Loading Core Skills

The Skills Assignment object hierarchy helps to assign core skills to workers in bulk. You assign core skills to people within an organization identified by the manager of that organization.

The object hierarchy consists of the following objects:

  • Skills Assignment

    This business object contains the high-level details for a core skill assignment. This includes details like unique name for the skill assignment, the manager of the organization to assign skills to and an action to specify if the intention is to assign or unassign a skill.

    • Core Skill

      Specify the skill requirements for the assignees defined by the Assignee object. Core Skills capture details like name of the skill getting assigned or unassigned and the proficiency level needed for the skill.

    • Assignee

      Core skills are assigned based on the target worker population identified using by the manager of the organization and the assignee type.

      All the assignee records within one SkillsAssignment need to have the same Assignee type. The following assignee types are supported:

      • Job: Specifies any jobs in the application, regardless of whether they have job profiles associated, so the skills will be assigned to anyone within the manager’s organization who has this job. When using the Job assignee type, supply the JobId attribute with the surrogate ID or an integration key value that identifies the job, or supply the user key attributes for JobId, viz JobCode and SetCode.

      • Person: Specifies people reporting to to the manager through a primary assignment. For this assignee type, mention the PersonId or user keys of PersonId like PersonNumber.

      • Direct Reports: Only the direct reports of the specified manager.

      • Organization: All of the manager’s organization or that of any of the lower-level managers reporting to the manager.

      For assigning skills by a job within a specific team, use the Job assignee type, and populate PersonId of lower-level manager. This will assign the specified core skills to all the workers in lower-level manager's organization with matching job.

Use the Team Skills Center work area and Assign Core Skills page to review the data you want to bulk load for.

Post Processing

After the core skills are loaded, the scheduled process Propagate Dynamic Skills to Workers gets submitted by default.

If this default behavior needs to be changed, navigate to Configure HCM Data Loader task and review the Business Object Post Processes page. Search for the Skills Assignment business object and override the value to No. This will prevent the scheduled job from getting auto submitted after each skills assignment data load. After the override you need to manually run the scheduled job once Skills Assignment data loads are complete.