Loading Gross-up Balance Exclusion

Create a net-to-gross element using the element template. After you create the element, using HCM Data Loader, create the Gross Balance Exclusion to select the FIT Withheld balance.

When the Bonus element is processed in a payroll run, the application doesn't include the FIT Withheld in the gross-up calculation for Bonus.

Using the Create Element task, create a Bonus element as a supplemental earning and select these values as shown in the table:




Basic Information

Process and pay element separately or with other earnings elements

Process and pay with other earnings

Additional Details

Use this element to calculate a gross amount from a specified net amount?


Use this DAT file to create the gross balance exclusion using HCM Data Loader. You'll notice that on the Gross Balance Exclusions section of Element Summary, the Exclude Balances check box is selected for the FIT Withheld balance.

MERGE|PayrollNetToGrossBalanceExclusion|ZHRX_USVS_ST LDG One|2018/01/01|2020/12/31|Supp_Bonus_2 Earnings Results|US_FIT_WITHHELD|GBE0000001|HCMQA-001