Overview of Hardship Factor Cards for France

The Hardship Factor card stores information about the risk factors that have been reached for each employee during the year.

Each company must send this information using DSN (Declaration Sociale Nominative) process. This card allows recording the details of all the risk factors for which the employee reaches a certain threshold of hardship.

There are two ways in which the Hardship Factor calculation card can be attached to an employee’s record:

  • Created or updated manually. In this case the Payroll Manager or Payroll Administrator will use the Manage Calculation Cards UI to create the card and then update the component detail.
  • Created or updated in bulk using the HCM Data Loader. Date-effective date is used to track the risk factor per each year. This will trigger an update of the component detail.

Considerations and Prerequisites

Only one card and only one component must be created to record the hardship factor that the employee has been exposed to. Indeed, the customer will initiate the card when one Hardship factor is reached during one year for one employee. The calculation card component will contain the Hardship Factors values and the related year. The following years, user will just need to ‘Update’ using a new effective date the component detail to change the year and if needed the factors.

Unlike the Statutory Deductions card, no default card is generated automatically at person level when an employee record is created by the New Hire flow

It is recommended to have a good understanding of the Pension and Welfare card and the information it contains prior to attempting mass upload as it has a direct impact on statutory deductions and reporting. For further information, see Oracle Fusion HRMS (France): HR Implementation and Functional Considerations Whitepaper (Doc ID 1542406.1).

Hardship Factor Card Record Types

The Hardship Factor card is uploaded with HCM Data Loader using the Global Payroll Calculation Card business object. This generic object hierarchy provides record types to support the various country-specific requirements.

The Hardship Factor utilizes the following record types:

Component Functional Description File Discriminator
Calculation Card Defines the calculation card type and the employee assignment that it captures information for. CalculationCard
Card Component Used to group and segregate data required by the calculation card. The following sections describe the card components applicable to this calculation card and the child records that are required for each card component. CardComponent
Component Detail Provide a component detail record for each flexfield context required by each card component. ComponentDetail

Hardship Factor Calculation Card Hierarchy

The hierarchy of calculation card components applicable to the Pension and Welfare card are described in this diagram:

french hardship factor card hiearchy